Fix a deficiency vs. overwatering


Well-Known Member
I'm about 2-3 weeks away from harvest and my plant sprung up some bad issues overnight just yesterday. I flushed that night before because the pH was too low. I think it's a combo of nute burn (too much K/P) and a cal/mag deficiency. I just went out and bought some Cal Mag plus and gave it half strength mixed with tap water in a regular 16oz water bottle because the soil was soaked and I was afraid of a. adding too much water and b. making the water too concentrated.

So that was last night. Plant is looking a bit better but the spots are still there and I'm thinking it's still hungry for Cal Mag. I'm afraid to keep watering it because it's gotten SO much water in the past few days and hasn't had a chance to remotely dry.

Here's a pic, can someone let me know if I should give another feeding and risk overwatering/keeping the soil too wet for so long, or give nutes?



Active Member
Tuff call, but I would probably let the plant dry out and then water again. My reason being, that even if ur correct in ur theory of the deficiency, once the medium is flooded the roots will be water locked and will not up take anything anyway. Now u have taken a chance of still having ur def. and possibly drowning ur plant. Just seems u may compound ur problem. Good Luck and Happy Smoking:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same situation, and agree with midighttoter. ^^^

I've put a fan blowing across, and extra ventilation to dry it out a bit quicker, and gave them a weak foliar spray.

The rest is just crossing fingers and hoping I reckon....


Well-Known Member
I think it says;

What soil and nutrients are you using? How big is your plant? And that there may be a little nutrient burn......oh, and maybe "retared" ;)


Well-Known Member
^ lol, thanks for the translation :lol:

For soil, it's in a mix of MG seed starter and MG perlite... I'd say about 70/30. Nutes I'm using AN Jungle Juice micro, grow, bloom plus cal mag. The plant's really small and yeah, a little retarded lol. It's growing in a 2 gallon smart pot and is maybe about 16" tall.... but has 6 colas and is packing on weight quickly. Not too concerned really... just wanna make sure I don't screw it up to an unfixable degree.