Five Plant Indoor Soil Grow


New Member
Hey I'm trip... I have three indica plants that are a month old. They are growing in some ocean forest mixed with peat moss and sand. I added some sun leaves soil sweetener to help with pH issues. I had real big pH problems with my first plant I grew to 6 weeks old and I killed it due to me suspecting it was a boy. I ended up buying some seeds off the net this time instead of doing the grab bag deal. I bought six easy rider automatic fems, one orge, five skunk x sleestack, and eight gods treat Jordan of the islands fems. I want to have the autos under my 400w mh and plant two at first then one every week after. Those don't need much attention so moving on. I haven't germed anything besides two of the gods treat like a month ago. They are both under the same 400w my planted in the same soil mix same waters same notes same everything... but one is inches tall with only a couple nodes and branches while the other has numerous ones like it should. I am really confused but I will keep on truck in hoping someone will take me under their wing digitally. I water every other day unless it seems more moist than usual. I used 20-20-20 notes once and that was the first time when the third branches were there but after that I have been using dyna grow 7-9-5, sea green,and seaweed juice mixed all together and i only use half of what they tell me to use. It hasn't seemed to hurt the plants but I am scared to do much else. The temp is at a constent 73 degrees F. Humidity is at 30-42. I have a water pH, soil pH, and water T.D.S. meters all digital. I have an anolog moisture meter and its the only one that isn't digital. I have these in my room:primordial solution sea green, earth juice natural up, technaflora thrive alive B-1, safergro pH down, nimbiosys neem oil, sun leaves soil sweetener, dyna gro liquid grow 7-9-5, maxi crop liquid seaweed, jacks classic all purpose 20-20-20, rootech cloning gel,and a 420 scope. I was using tap water till I found out two weeks in that it had over 250 tds. And I just don't trust it. I used distilled for a week or two and I just bought some spring water till I figure out what to do. Please help me if you can. My pH is really low like 4.5 and I keep watering with 8.5 water and it don't go up at all.