Five Mid-Atlantic shark attacks in 2 weeks


Are you going to make me go all the way to Google?

pretty shocking to watch. Real life horror.
here is a clip. I still want to go cage diving though.

Only one of my black friends can swim and his grandmother is white. Different kind of strength. A friend out here says he won't stop for police if he hasnt got ID "those fuckers can't catch me, I'm Jamaican!!" Lol
Hey as long as they're not all
over Cape Cod like normally I'm good. I don't need them fucking shit up at Nauset Beach anymore. Heading on vacation in a week, don't need that shit.
Just don't go kayaking, at dusk, around seals, where there have been great white the dumbass did last year in Plymouth, and you'll bee all set. That happened right down the beach from where i party every summer, I'm pretty sure I had seen that chick a couple times going up an down the coast on her stand up paddle board thingy. My buddies family as been down there for 50+ years, they think it's crazy the great whites are starting to come up into the bay.
Just don't go kayaking, at dusk, around seals, where there have been great white the dumbass did last year in Plymouth, and you'll bee all set. That happened right down the beach from where i party every summer, I'm pretty sure I had seen that chick a couple times going up an down the coast on her stand up paddle board thingy. My buddies family as been down there for 50+ years, they think it's crazy the great whites are starting to come up into the bay.
A few years ago a woman was snorkling at Avila beach/bay around 8 a.m.. Black wetsuit, frolicking amongst the seals. Blammo....taken by a great white. Prime feeding time for the GWs is morning and evening. What would possess someone to dress like breakfast and frolic with breakfast at breakfast time?
Theres been a ton of great whites seen off Cape Cod and I went out on the party boat to catch some haddock and pollack and we saw a monster sized one. The first great white they saw on the Cape they even named the fucking thing Freckles. Nevermind naming the damn thing, shoot it and be done with it.
pretty shocking to watch. Real life horror.
here is a clip. I still want to go cage diving though.

Only one of my black friends can swim and his grandmother is white. Different kind of strength. A friend out here says he won't stop for police if he hasnt got ID "those fuckers can't catch me, I'm Jamaican!!" Lol

I hope he wasn't wearing a dry suit.