Five 3 gallon pots and a 600w vs Four 5 gallon pots and a 600w


Active Member
My friend and I are planning on doing two separate grows with same soil and plants and we were wondering which would yield more? I was wondering what some of you growers would think would yield more!! Please chime in!


Well-Known Member
You should try one or two plants in a 5 gallon or bigger, 10 gallon, but wider. Also try using pure rockwool. Low Stress Training (LST) of course to get like 40-60 tops. Check out this guy on youtube that did this with one trainwreck and got more than a lb of it under 600w. On another forum, this other guy got almost a lb doing something similar with 1 plant and a 400w.

Also, when he tried to grow more plants in that same space, he got less yeild.

Not only that, but he was limited to 2feet by 4 feet. Right now, I have two NL taking up 3x4 feet, over 60 tops between them. They haven't even started to flower yet.


Well-Known Member
Mt general rule of thumb is that a 3-gallon pot will support a plant for 3 months. If I'm going to be
keeping her more than 3 months I go to a bigger pot. 3 months = 13 weeks and that covers most
everything I grow. A 4-5 week veg followed by 8-9 weeks flowering should be more than enough
time to finish most any variety. (A few oriental sativas may take 10+ weeks to flower).

Stay with the 3-gallon pots and you will save time. Once transplanted into their final pot each plant
will concentrate on growing roots to fill the pot. In a 5-gallon pot you will waste 10 days or so while your
plant grows a bigger root system than you really need. They won't grow much aboveground until the roots
are done stretching, so you have to wait.

Good luck, BigSteve.