yep, I grow in organic soil from my local nursery mixed with 20% coco or perlite ( what ever is at hand) to make it light and some dry Bat Guano mixed in, also add a table spoon or Mearl (Oceanic Lime) to get the PH up from 5,5-6 to 6,2-7
don't really use the blood/bone meal anymore, fresh soil and a few repots doing veg seem`s to be enough, tho I have a small bottle of alge grow (organic veg nuts made on seaweed) if I see signs of a decency (mostly first in the stretch) Ooh yea and I also have a big bag of epsom salt beside the sink, as they love Mg, but yea best results for me have been with the Bat guano I also have some liquid Bat guano tea that is high in N and K to add to the dry that is high in P and trace elements so a few times doing flowering I give em a bit of that, like I finish em on Molasses
and since I still have a bottle of super thrive from I started growing I use it when I repot or have problems, like I also have a bottle of H2O2 in the fridges if I have problems with overwatering (better safe then sorry)