Fist LED grow


Well-Known Member
totally agree on that last line, one of the main reason why I grow, so I dont have to support criminal that make to many money on it

plus the fact that I know whats in it, and I don't have to take a drive using 2 hrs and 100$ and risk getting busted on the way with it when I can grow the same at home for 10$ and enjoy it at the same time, its a great hobby


Well-Known Member
I agree, $100 will not buy much weed or hash but it buys a lot of nutes, electricity and seeds etc.
Also like many growers I really like growing and take pride in trying to grow the best I can, I make many mistakes but I learn from them and that is also a pleasing experience.
Before I started growing myself I never really understood the pride ordinary gardeners have in their flowers and vegetables but now I understand it very well:)


Well-Known Member
lol, first thing that spring in to mind


and 100$ buy me 10 grams of hash that last me a week or so, so my lights "only" cost me like 2 months of smoke, Im sure they pay me back in full


Well-Known Member
Buds that size would be nice:)
$100 here will cover electricity for two months and only buy 6-7 grams


Well-Known Member
my bill for running a 600W HPS with all the ventilations and fan`s that follow for a year was about 700$ +/-

cant wait to see what the LEDs do to that bill :D tho Im only using 130W less and maybe 50W more in fan`s so I recon it will be about 500$

still 4500$ less then if I should buy it, and nutrients aso don't run up in that much, maybe another 500$ so I roughly smoke for 20% of the price and the LEDs should have paid for them self in 2 months time


Well-Known Member
yea 100 euro is about 750 dkk

100$ is only about 580 dkk

so yea, should buy me 11,5 gram for the $ and 15 grams for euro`s more or less

of this quality



Well-Known Member
I figured out all my numbers one night, and it costs me about $750 for 3/4 of a lb if I get around 3oz a plant. That not bad considering that's my soil and nutes as well. Where I'm from I could make a ton of $ selling, but I've never sold a flower. I will trade my friends for services, considering they're mechanics, and plumbers by trade and another has a lawn care business that always does any tree work I need done. I've also gained a small group of people that I help with meds when they need it, and a family member who was diagnosed with cancer recently so I've been making extracts lately for them. It's crazy how one small garden when managed correctly and everything made of use, can provide so much for so many. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
agree, Im the same, don't sell, never did, against my believes, well maybe not, but dont like the idea for many reason and I for sure don't like to make mammon on ganja

and I don't like to tell people I grow either, tho one of my smoking buddies, who have grown himself know (on a very small scale) and I recently ask him, that I have room for a plant with his name on, if he would like to visit the gorw shop with me at harvest time and buy some stuff for my next run, why not, its like he pay for the food and soil and I for sure wont over price him, it will be equal to half the price at max as he is a nice guy, its a win win, my smoke will cost even less, and he gets half priced smoke, so he don't have to buy from criminals either, I feel good about it and I guess that what counts, lets see, I figured, if he even tell (and Im sure he won't) he will only cut of cheap smoke, and I can always tell him I plan to stop growing if I don't like the deal at some point


Well-Known Member
day 31/25


made a clone a week ago or so, have changes the water once, just in normal tap water (PH 7,4) with a few drops of H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)


as you can see, its just in a normal dark Cup with a DIY plastic lid to shied the light


could be more, but IME enough to pot it, just have to keep it wet and keep a eye on it and maybe mist if under the leaves a few times a day first few day`s

seem`s like 90% of the clone I make from the LSD make it with very little effort, guess its a easy strain to clone


in normal organic seedling soil with about 20% coco and some clay pellet`s gave it normal tap water with a few drops of some plagron root power (Kelp aso)

and the FIM plant:


use a bit of LST to keep the top`s even

and the "mainline" plant:


both have been in 3 gallon pots for a few week`s, will repot em in to some 7 gallon pot`s in 2 week`s time, when there is about two week`s left to 12/12

and the next batch


4 of em is LSD and will get 14 week`s of veg !!!! :D with a lot of training/Mlining

last one is a stupid freebee auto, pretty odd and weird looking ?


and the flowering room


the hempy bucket and the clone

and the big plant


picture don't serve it right, a lot of Bud grow at the side/lower part you really cant see clearly in the pic, lets see, about half way with 30 days left (+/-5)


Well-Known Member
I'm just barely in front of you by a week maybe with the Skunk#1, and maybe the Menage a Trois, and probably right with each other on the Iced Grapefruit as I think she may take a little longer than the others, but I might be wrong. I can't believe how easy the LSD clones. that's really cool. Your garden looks really happy man, good to see. By the looks of things the new led rig is working just fine and has been a nice addition to your grow. I'm sure you're more than happy with the extra capacity to hold more women in there, I would be, and with all that light you're still using less than your 600W hps. You gotta be extremely happy with that I'm sure. Just out of curiosity, what kind of benefits besides the savings on juice have you seen from the led's? Any noticeable difference in potency of finished product, or are the benefits in the growth or health of plant? Sorry to bombard you with the ?'s I'm just curious like I said, and may have the opportunity to pick a couple up from someone who has to move, and no longer will be able to grow. He has a couple of lights that look alot like yours with the round cluster's of lights that you can swap out and upgrade or replace. I can't remember the dang brand or amount of clusters I think it's 2 x 10. One size bigger than yours maybe, I'm not 100% sure. He wants $400 a piece, and I'm not sure I want to drop the coin on them as they're a year old, and my $ is a little tight. I can go ahead and get them, but if something stupid comes up I don't want my girls to suffer the effects of running out of something or some other uncontrollable B.S. that always pops up, if you know what I mean. I would hate to miss a really good opportunity like this, but then again there's always the what if's and all that. I might just wait like I planned and when I move invest on what I need for the new place with new equipment. I hate when someone throws a deal in your face and you end up driving yourself crazy over it. Ha Ha, Anyways the girls all look good Slip, It looks like you're enjoying your vacation, and being the busy little bee. One day I will get me some LSD seeds, I've been convinced. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
yea I can cover the same ground as with my HPS with next to no heat, and about 150-200W less in total when you count fan`s and stuff I had running to cool the 600W

and plant`s just look more healthy overall, guess the spectrum mostly kick in here, but also the potents is great, now I only had one grow, but it is atleast as potent as the 600W could make em and as compact, and I also feel more safe over all running this light

yes they cost me like 800$ or so, but a 600W HPS would cost like the same over 5-7 years of running just in bulb replacements

what I enjoy the most is the hole growth have become more easy, no heat to fight, and plant`s seem`s to enjoy the light, I also water less and use less nutrients, but Im still working a bit with that, not that same as growing with a HPS, need to find the "sweet" spot

sounds like a good buy, if they are 10 spots and have the same kind a spectrum/out put as my first fixture, and if they aint to old, seems like half price, if he is keen on selling try 600$ for both, in cash, after all he is about to move, right ;)

just make sure they is`t old 1W with only blue/red LEDs, the new one I got is a 2012 model, but still ok, was the newest last year Im sure, and still useable as it do have some white`s in em and a good amount of 630/660nm

but yea, if it is`t totally necessary and you have a plan for next year do it then, and use the extra coin to get some new once, that you know is newest tech and have a warranty aso

I did first go for the LEDs when I had the money, but also at the time where I did have to go and look for a new bulb (maybe one grow left in it, keep it as back up in the basement)

up to you, if he want to split em, or you know another who wants one, you could use the coin and get some fun and experience with a few plant`s and use it as supplement to your "new one" you then get next year as plan ?

many options here :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks Slip

You gotta know ive been following your thread,I like just about every post and pic you put up....just saying:lol:...your plants f--king love you and your led's.


Well-Known Member
day 32 for the big plant and day 26 for the hempy and clone


the clone


the big plant



big plant is packing on now, look nice all the way down ;) even tho it had a few issues, hempy just look beautiful, and I must admit, them pistils do look fat and nice, I cant wait to see final result, but I don't think this will be the last time I grow in a bucket :D clone is also coming around it seem`s a little spindle but seems healthy and with one main cola and with em entering week 5 and 6 in a few days they all got a few weeks to pack on some weight :D


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to see final result, but I don't think this will be the last time I grow in a bucket :D
I don't blame you one bit, I'm always saying "find what works for you" I was just stressing at least one good Bio grow is all for the meds. I really like the ease of organics, and the results as far as cannabanoid profile's. I also like the way the finished product smokes, I've never had meds as smooth as when they're grown organically. I'm not a big save the world hippie or anything, I just prefer my meds that way. I also think some people could take a cue from it though. The girls are looking down right awesome Slipon. The stretch they put on was just right I think, now they'll start filling in for you bro. I have to say so far I don't see much difference in growth from the different lights yet. Pretty uniform now really. I think anyones thoughts of it not being up to par were unfounded. Best of luck. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
well I can say that the new light seem`s to preform ok, plant don't seem`s to have any problems adapting to the "new" spectrum (was considering that might be a issue) and don't stretch for my old light, even seem`s to put on more trichome`s ? maybe the more blue and higher inferred ?

and the noisy fan`s have also become better, was hoping a few days of running would make em run more smooth and seem`s it did

what I found with the new light Vs. my old light is that this have only one lens on em and I believe its 90 degree lenses plus it have a reflector to catch the light and spread it out, my old fixture have double lenses and I believe its 90 and 60 degrees

so what that do, is making my "old" light concentrate all its 120x3W down with great intensity wile my new spread out the 96x3W LEDs more with less intensity

when I measure the light from my old fixture I get 4-6K foot candles at canopy level, and easily 7K at 5 inch`s
the new light put out about 2-4K but with a more uniform spread on a bigger area and I have to be at 2 inch`s to get 7K

think both are good lights for the money spend, just need to use em accordantly, for me it works perfectly and so fare Im happy with em, can even put on Veg mode on the new fixture for the first 2 weeks if I want to keep the stretch down, and the last 10 day`s if I want to hit em with more blue light for trichomes production (dunno yet if I will try this) and safe some power as it run less LEDs

if this was my only fixture I would for sure do a scrog and keep it close, seller claim 40 cm is right distance, but I don't care, other seller of my old fixture also claimed 18 inch`s = 45cm, but seem`s to preform best at 30cm, so that is where I try to keep both, will also mean that lower bud`s are at 40cm, just need to keep a eye out for light bleaches


Well-Known Member
Ooh yea, and I also love organic soil growing, but I hate to make it in a apartment and get rite of the rootball afterwords, don't think I will skip the soil ever, but might do some Hempy along the soil, taste wish Im easy, as I cant taste shit, I smoke it on a bong, so most important for me is quality and of course weight so hempy or maybe even DWG would maybe be the best option for me, but it will be in time then Im in no rush, enjoying my hobby and trying new things with it, also like to try that skunk 1# soon ;)