OK, so here's what I've got so far, made a few changes to original plan:
Southern Ontario
The strain I plan on using can be found here, its called Summertime Buddha and is developped for ontario climates and they are ok priced.(I might also get feminised White Widow off Seedsman instead)
My plan is to veg them inside and have em grow for a good 4-6 weeks before planting them at the grow spot(or spots) mid may(last frost should be around may 9th)
I should be getting 15-30 seeds spread out between 3-5 seperate patches hopping to get at least 5-15 females.
I am going to be using burlap sacks(approx 5 gal. depending on where I get em) and dig holes to for them, planting 1 seeds per grow bag
(thank you hillbillybob

Most likely going to be using a mix of:
50% Peat moss
10-20% worm castings
1 cup of dolomite lime per cubic foot.
**Also planning on getting some polymer water crytals to mix with soil to reduce watering, does anyone know how much to use or anytihng about using these, just found out about them**
LC's Recipe #2
All these items combined with one gallon of soil mix.
1/3C hi N Guano (Mexican Bat Guano)
1/2C hi P Guano (Jamaican or Indonesian Bat Guano)
1TBS Jersey Greensand
1TBS Kelp Meal
**Anyone have any alternatives**
Getting watering spikes that connect to 2L bottle full of water, and putting one in each sac for first few weeks until i get an actual system up and running.
Hopefully going to get a 6v water pump with a filter conected to a 1/2 inch hose that runs to the grow spot(s), if not then digging up a big hole for a reservoir or making a gavity based system, looking for specifics on how to build one of these