Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

I will have to wait till I get on a computer. My pos phone won't redirect me. But u can have all the seeds you want man. I'm gonna gank the panda film on top of the soil idea from you tho lol. So we got <3 days till penny is in her new home. Than in November I'm moving further north so hopefully I'll be transporting mason jars rather than a plant lol.
Hey bro amazing job..nice girl you gut there...did the plant only grow three blade leaves or did it go five seven nine...just wondering..but im burnt so maybe i counted wrong
no worries then i forgot it stays copied hahah. three more days til the big move huh. hope she makes a safe trip man.

now thats just crazy man. first i try to do it up all nice for you and the link didnt even show up. now i was like let me just throw it up there real quick and look, its looks more official then ever. just thought id edit this post and shear that lol
Hey man thanks for the love. Nah if u take a look at my avatar pic that's penny when I started flowering. It was 7, 5, 3 I think. I'm burnt too. I think the 3 are the flower fan leaves, and the 5 are for pre flower and veg is 7. I believe the leaves depend on the Abundance of N ? Or maybe as the nodes form that says aboutthe fan leaf structure. OR it's my genetics. Sorry i like to know why things are the way they are. But flip thru the pages to chck the progress. It was/is a very interesting grow. And it's fun as hell man. Addicted, Guilty :)
no worries then i forgot it stays copied hahah. three more days til the big move huh. hope she makes a safe trip man.

now thats just crazy man. first i try to do it up all nice for you and the link didnt even show up. now i was like let me just throw it up there real quick and look, its looks more official then ever. just thought id edit this post and shear that lol

It works. Now its gonna take my slow ass 90 years to read cuz I took the short bus to school lol
Moves coming soon isnt it dude! I think Im about as nervous as you- Go on penny, You can do it! lol Im rooting for ya man
Yea man. I've decided to take the trip at night :) no traffic, and the other people who are driving at night are doing 100mph (260km? lol) either way. I meander my way with penny :) hopefully :/

Thanks for the luck guru, I'll take pics when I wake up tomorrow. Good thing her light cycle is 10-2200 so I can leave by 2200 and be there by like 2430 ish. ::fingerscrossed::
Yea man. I've decided to take the trip at night :) no traffic, and the other people who are driving at night are doing 100mph (260km? lol) either way. I meander my way with penny :) hopefully :/

Thanks for the luck guru, I'll take pics when I wake up tomorrow. Good thing her light cycle is 10-2200 so I can leave by 2200 and be there by like 2430 ish. ::fingerscrossed::

Good luck man drive safe
If you grow an auto perfectly you can get bud that is just as good if not better then the average dank on the streets. Every auto is really different though, so it might take you a couple of trys till you get it growing just the way you want it to xD
So a trip that would take me 2 hours took me 3.5. Not to fuckin mention all the road work they do at night. Every state I passed thru they were doing road work which left 1 lane open for about 1.5 toatle hours. Thank god there was no traffic. As for my car on the otherhand, it's gonna take about 1 week to get the stench out :D

On to pics!

House warming gift my sister got me :) 12in gandalph that hits like a champ. And my little batty under it :)






LOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEE IIIIIIIIITTTTTT! lol time to change my laundry
Good show! Glad she made it and didnt face execution, would of been a waste I believe, As for the Gandalf Pipe, Kick ass man! I was gonna get a replica one of his but 150 bucks was jsut like no way, im off to RooR lol keep it up, Ill be
Hey guys thanks for the love! The gandalph is my new baby since I lef the roor with my sister. I see some new faces! I'm stoked.

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. Been getting shut squared away in the new place, than only to move again in October. I swear I feel like a nomad lol. Penny is doing super! I just flushed her soil and she's loving her new place. I'll try to take pics when I get off of work. Later gators!
Sorry for the doo doo pics. But here ya go.





Ghetto humidifier :)

Ghetto humidifier/ air conditioner combo lol

Hahaha enjoy my ghettoness. Also I see some yellowing. Chalk it up as something to be watchful of for the next grow.