Firsttime Bagseed Outdoor Guerilla Grow


Active Member
your plants perk up yet bro?
yea man, just not alot has happened so i havent updated. i figured out that they were just under watered, so i when i water them now i make sure i soak the soil. but im running out of room in my indoor grow box, so im giving one plant away to a friend. but i have 5 more germinating and will probly have more so its ok. i will probly put up pics tonight.


Active Member
alright well not much has happened but i thought i'd upload some pics. they seem to be doing better and the drooping was hopefully just a minor problem. due to space issues i had to give one plant away, but its not a big deal, it will make things easier. they will be going outside soon.

plant one is getting nice and bushy, plant 2 still looks like it could be a sativa to me. its growing tall and the leaves are skinny. i know they are still small but im not aiming for monster plants. :peace:

ps sorry for the crappy pics



Active Member
i finally put a plant outside. the weather was good today so i put a bag of promix, a kiddy sand shovel, and a water bottle full of nuted water in a backpack. i walked through the woods that i picked to grow in, and walked until i thought i found a good spot. i obviously havent put as much time into planning this as i should have but oh well. then i proceeded to dig a 3x3 hole. the bag of mix i brought wasnt enough to fill the hole so i ended up filling it half up again with shitty local topsoil. after leaving the site i realized that it will be hard to get into it without leaving a trail. so because of this i will probly find new sites and plant 1-2 plants at each one. i think this will be the best way to do things without being spotted. i also noticed that the leaves on the bottom of my other plants [ive only put one outside so far] are turning yellow. if they keep turning yellow they will die and become crisps like the last set of bottom leaves did on the other plant. i think its a N deficiency so i gave it more nutes. any suggestions?




Active Member
hmm i never liked the long distance transplants, but yeh some kind of backpack would be best if you were going for complete stealth, forunatley for me i have all the privacy i need : p, as for the spilling plants see about fitting some kind of cage or strucure to act as a roll cage then have your base in the bottom then fit howerver many u can next to eachother to limit movement and it should work out great : D sounded alot simpler in my head
btw i ended up carrying it in a plastic shopping bag lol. it worked pretty good but next transplant i will have some sort of roll cage


Active Member
i went out to the spot today to check up on the plant and give it a watering. after hiking through the woods thinking i was lost i finally found the spot. mosquitoes seem to be attracted to that area because i couldnt stand still for one second without being swarmed. so i didnt really have good time to check for bugs and other problems. i did notice some holes in a few of the leaves, so i hope it doesn't get worse. i dont have any pest control right now so all i did was put pennies on the bottom of the plant to keep away slugs. when i was about to leave i heard something in the bushes and got sketched out thinking it was a person. so i stood there for a second, and then i saw a porcupine climbing up a tree. its was pretty weird, i didnt know the fat fuckers could do that. i tried to take a pic but my camera died. i hope this is a sign that this is a good spot. hopefully hell protect my plants from any rippers. :peace:


seed slaya

Active Member
when i was about to leave i heard something in the bushes and got sketched out thinking it was a person. so i stood there for a second, and then i saw a porcupine climbing up a tree. its was pretty weird, i didnt know the fat fuckers could do that.
bahahah thats halarious, but i can totally relate btw your plants look very impressive


Active Member
haha yea it scared me for a bit but then when i saw it and it was cool. i had never seen one in the wild before. but i was pissed when i found out one of the plants was male. hopefully the other one i put out will be a girl. :roll: but i have more on the way so i hope i can get at least get something