First week of quick one grow, how does she look?


New Member

Hey everyone! This is my Royal Seeds Quick One strain. She is 5 days old from sprout and I'm growing her in Fox Farms Ocean Forest under 2 100w cfl lights. I know I over watered initially when I planted her. Though she sparked back once I put a heater next to the box and increased fan speed about 3 days ago. So I lightly watered her with about an oz. of filtered water this morning (around 10 am), not even enough to drain, just to keep moist. This is a pic of her around 11:30 pm the same day. Is this a sign of overwatering? Can someone please help, this is my firat grow and I'm really trying to learn from this without killing her!


Well-Known Member
Best to keep consistent temp, humidity and air flow. Read up on 'damping-off' (disease or condition). Good luck! :peace:


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3287455

Hey everyone! This is my Royal Seeds Quick One strain. She is 5 days old from sprout and I'm growing her in Fox Farms Ocean Forest under 2 100w cfl lights. I know I over watered initially when I planted her. Though she sparked back once I put a heater next to the box and increased fan speed about 3 days ago. So I lightly watered her with about an oz. of filtered water this morning (around 10 am), not even enough to drain, just to keep moist. This is a pic of her around 11:30 pm the same day. Is this a sign of overwatering? Can someone please help, this is my firat grow and I'm really trying to learn from this without killing her!
its a seedling lol


New Member
Airflow is staying g consistant. Temp is staying around 71 - 78 during light and lowest 65 wit lights off. Humidity on the other hand I'm not quite sure on.


New Member
Yeah I know. I've done research, but everyone has a different method of doing things so I'm stuck in limbo trying to balance out everything I've read. Also, I'm just anxious and a little worrisome since it's my first time. Just want to make sure everything is going well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know. I've done research, but everyone has a different method of doing things so I'm stuck in limbo trying to balance out everything I've read. Also, I'm just anxious and a little worrisome since it's my first time. Just want to make sure everything is going well.
What r u planning on growing under? Hps
Fluros gives us more details I like a bigger pot for seedlings I actually use 1 pot size whole grow as u can water for faster growth if u know how lol


Well-Known Member
Overwatering at that age is as bad as over nuting...the plant will tell you when to water it...g/l


New Member
So here's my update. This is my Royal Queen Quick One Auto seedling at two weeks okd today. How does she look? Anyone have any suggestions for me?

