First week! First time grow! A picture a day, how am i doing?


Just curious and ive never seen anyone do a day 1-7 to help beginners so i hope this looks good(number 4 the flash made it look dark for some reason) 1. (Wont upload for some reason) 2. image.jpg 3. image.jpg 4. image.jpg5.image.jpg 6. image.jpg 7.image.jpg Im just growing in peat no fertilizer yet



I'd say looks perfectly healthy mate but I would argue at 2 weeks to feed it .If your little girl exhibits any signs of deficiencly feed it by all means, but if not theres no need mate.Feeding to a schedule is rediculous in soil,feed to its needs and rate of growth rather than a schedule.Just my tuppence worth.


Well-Known Member
dyna-gro nutes work very well and their pretty cheap. I ordered them online, with shipping it was only $22 for the grow and the bloom

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i use Jack's 20-20-20 all the way through the grow. during flowering i do fertilize twice with blooming nutes. works great for me and keeps plants from starving.

by the way, your plant is off to a good start. GL


Well-Known Member
Jack's is good too. Never used it myself but I know a few people who have. Highly recommended.