First Try


Active Member
Ok not sure what it is but i am getting yellow tips on the leafs. plant looks healthy lik in the last pictures just on some leafs the very tips are turning yellow. what is happening


Well-Known Member
roller we need a picture of the leaf tips . we cant diagnose without somethign to look at. Sounds like it could be anything from a deficiency to nute burn. lets see it!


Active Member
Here Are the wonderful pictures please from them help me distinguish why the tips yellowing i dont think it defic cause thats not possible i highly doubt maybe nute burn but that i dont think either due to my mixture ratio



Well-Known Member
looks like it could be the beginning of nute burn but keep an eye on it. It really looks like nothing ... i constantly have a bit of yellow on my tips like that on new growth. Maybe its cause im pushin it ... maybe its cause its just normal. If it gets worse post more pics. : D It looks really healthy roller! So far so good!


Well-Known Member
i have yellow tips like that myself here and there. i belive its because i feed as much as i do.. like balancing on the edge of nute burn... not sure though


Well-Known Member
its happening to my plants right now. Im just not upping nutes for a few days until i know the plant can take them. I think its quite normal. Some growers intentionally burn the tips like that so they know their plants are taking in as much nutes as possible : D


Well-Known Member
when did pizza's start eating people? hehe might wanna cut down on the grass buddy :P

btw WeSmkDro, made my own journal now. have a look in signature :)


about your stunted growth, if i were you, id go ahead and transplant into a bigger pot, i think its like 1 gall for 1 foot of growth , you have like a six inch in what looks like a container no bigger than a quart. Also keep in mind when picking your final pot to compensate for the flowering stretch, your at 6 inches now, if you flowered today you could reach 24 inches, so get a pot no smaller than 2 gallons feel me... And it never hurts to foliar feed, makes em strong, id do it first with plain water tho, good luck fosho


Active Member
?Thanks much yeah i transferd in to a 1 gallon pot atm i will transfer into 5 gallon in a month right efore flower. So start with reg water then 20% nute and go up from there y the week or y every few days


Active Member

Dont worry about the droopy in the picture i did that to allow more light to top and under growth. And looking at the pictures maybe some one can tell me or shoot me info on how to tell if its female. I think it is from looking at the side stem i see like 2 wiskers growing up



Well-Known Member
I have circled sweet spots between the auxillary meristem sites , and your main shoot. this is where your plant will make its first calyxes and show early signs of sex. There will either be kinda a horn with two white hairs ( pistils ) coming out of it , or there will be bananas ( males ). Let us know!




Active Member
2010-05-30 20.07.09.jpg2010-05-30 20.07.00.jpg

Im thinking about bumping up nute intake as the yellow tips are disappearing. slow feed new nute mixture with higher amounts of grow big same amount of rizo. Also going to mix up a batch of foliage nute mix at a real low concentrate