First Try


Active Member
So here i go as i start the journey into the horticulture life....

I will not post my setup i will however post pictures along the way as it goes from now untill flowering.


200 watts of LEDs Kalvin ranges from 4000k to 5500k

I was using COCO in the pictures you can see that it did not go well. While caring for my itch i decided to put into soil again. Using foxfarm ocean forest. Tomato veg 7-4-5 grow Big 6-4-4.

here are the pictures. Also as you you can see since replanted in soil every thing above the round leaves is all new growth from the last 3 days

2010-05-08 18.25.39.jpg2010-05-08 18.25.25.jpg2010-05-08 18.26.35.jpg2010-05-08 18.26.49.jpg2010-05-08 18.27.32.jpg2010-05-08 18.27.12.jpg


Well-Known Member
yoooo whaddup! nice that you got a journal now! im scribed fo sho! okay so what are you feeding it now ? just water or a VERY small dose of nutes?


Active Member
Right now as we are speak very small doses around 1/2 mL of rizo per gallon, a pinch of tomato veg (7-4-4) pellets crushed up and 1 mL of foxfarm Grow l3ig (6-4-5) Plant is exploding in growth. in a matter of 3-4 days it has grown appoximently 4 inch. this l3ag seed is apparently a very strong strain as it has pulled through a near death experience and now exploding and show me what it is made of. Cant wait to receive some clones from a friend and start growing a more pronounced strain. (which will start another journal)


Active Member
I will e posting pictures in 10 mins and would like to get advice if the growth that i am experiencing is good. ALSO ADDING PICTURES OF MY LED SETUP OF OVER 200 WATTS OF LED bulbs bust DOWN THIS PLANT


Active Member
So here are the pictures and in the pictures this growth has happened in one week after saving it from COCO which i have not conquered yet. The growth from when planting in soil was from the round leaves at the bottom till now.

My setup consists of 13 9 Watt flood lights half are 4000K and half are 5500K the flourescent tubes you see are LED tubes which are 20 watts each there are 4 in one fixture and 2 in the other and are 5000K. '

that is 13x9+2x20+20x4= 117+40+80=237 Watts

197-200 watts of LEDS which seem to be perfect and working great.

I do have a question about the stem it looks real thin to me and is this normal for 1 week?



Well-Known Member
that plant is streeeetching! lol. its the lights man , they are too weak. the plant is reaching to get more light. Maybe if they arent hot put them closer , but if you loo k in my journal, youll see that mine were very compact , the leaves were very close together. cfls.


Well-Known Member
WwSmk is correct, you need to move your plant closer to the light. If it is too hot then those lights prob wont work. You plant is going to be super stretchy if you don't get it closer to the lights.


Well-Known Member
yo what up! okay the color of cfl that you were supposed to get was " cool white " . is that what you got? i think others will work as well , the cool white is just the ideal spectrum for vegitative growth. Could you post some pictures of how its set up now so i can see?



Active Member
its Day light as plants during veg suck in 5000k-6400k light spectrum range and during flower take in 3400-2400k. Setup is the same just took out 2 bulbs and replaced with the 2 CFL. I think im nut buring and will start to water with nutes every other day with ph'd water the other days. Here are some new pictures of an update
