Situation: I've never smoked before. I've barely even ever seen the final product but a lot of my friends smoke so I figured fuck it, I'll give it a try. I got some "dark seeds" off of my friends (no idea what the difference in color means yet) and planted them in individual clay pots. My soil is Miracle-Gro Organic choice and mixed in with it is Mirale-Gro Organic Choice nutrients. I got 6 seeds to germinate by placing them in a wet napkin and placing it between a small plate and an upside bowel. After they germinated I planted them in the previously described setup and placed them into a cardboard box. My light is supplied by a 4' dual flourescent light fixture and the box is lined in aluminum foil to increase light reflection. This was all set up without doing any research and just trying a common sense approach. I actually just created an account here today for the sole purpose of posting this and getting your opnions. I plan on starting my research tonight after I list this.
Objective: Growing and smoking (for the first time) my own cannabis.
Reason for Posting: I'd like to get your opinons on my set up and see if you think the plants are as far along as they are supposed to be.
Length of Experiment: Two Weeks
Objective: Growing and smoking (for the first time) my own cannabis.
Reason for Posting: I'd like to get your opinons on my set up and see if you think the plants are as far along as they are supposed to be.
Length of Experiment: Two Weeks