First Try - Oregon Snowcap clone

I've done an obscene amount of reading over the last month on growing, so hopefully I think I've got most of it down. Despite that, I'm a poor broke ass and spend all my cash on medical smokables instead of supplies, so I'm kind of having to wing it for now.

I got the clone from my local dispensary, and it already had a few clipped leaves, the main stem cut, and some of the leaves beginning to yellow, but then again there were roots just bursting out of the rockwool cube from day one.

Day one (6/7) - put clone complete with rockwool cube in 8" diameter x 6.5" tall plastic pot with bottom removed for drainage with Miracle Grow Organic Choice potting mix (contains composted bark, sphagnum peat moss, pasteurized poultry litter, and the NPK stats 0.10-0.05-0.05. Surrounded clone with two photography umbrella lights on stands (one above, one near base) both about 6" away from plant. The lights used are these: because I already had them, to be honest. Bulb stats say- "two 30 watts day-light balanced 5000K fluorescent bulbs (each one is equivalent to 125 W incandescent light)." For filler light, I also keep them near a window, which during the day is usually opened when warm or at least blinds up when cold (This is Oregon after all, just because it's almost July doesn't mean it doesn't get down to 60 degrees...). Clone was placed about halfway into pot, and started off at around 7" (plant only). Lighting is on 24/7 since I'm only working with one plant and have decently efficient lights.

Day 1 Photo:
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2.5-3rd week - 6/26- It's now 12" with pot. I feel like it should be growing a great deal faster than it is, and that the leaves should be a bit fuller. It's starting to show problems of what I suspect is a PH problem on or around 6/20 - slight yellowing here and there, and deformed leaves curling down or twisting in spirals. I've begun watering it with fresh room temperature mountain spring water from a local waterfall (I know, I'm ridiculous) s of 6/24. I suspect I've also not been watering it in quantity quite enough, though I keep a close eye on it and mist both the leaves and the soil every day or two as needed. I gave it a really good soaking until some drained out today, so we'll see if that helps. Took billions of photos of setup so you guys can better picture wtf weirdo shit I'm talking about -

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On bright hot sunny days, I place her out on the porch to get some fresh air and sunshine, but since she's not hidden away in a closet (she's in my living room), she gets excellent air circulation.

*6/26 update - realized that my bulbs are pretty cool to the touch even when they've been burning for weeks straight, so moved them both within 2" of plant (one overhead on one side, and one on the other lower down). We'll see if growing doesn't pick up. If not, I'll suck it up and try to get together the spare cash for an HID bulb. If anyone wants to take pity on me, you can check out My Weed Wish List Here. :bigjoint: I'm sure there'd be some porn in it for you if you dig fat chicks, lol.

Any comments/suggestions/assistance is welcome. Try not to pick on me too much, lol. I'm a second generation pot grower, so you'd think I'd be better at this, but my dad won't give me advice just based on principle. -_-

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
looks good for what you are giving it. I could prob give you a list of things that you could do diff but I think you already know and are just using what you have. Couple of things though, bringing it back and fourth from inside and out can potentially up your risk to bugs. Second, your leaves are def showing some nut deficiency. Third, one of your fan leaves looks like you cut it, even if you are having problems don't cut your fan leaves. you do not have enough leaves or light to be cutting them. third, i love how you block your face out of the first photo when your avatar is clearly you. lmao anyways, good luck and i'm sure that you are going to learn a ton.
haha, I have no problem showing my face, but I sent the photo to my dad so used the paper to hide the massive amounts of cleavage. lol I also have never cut any leaves, there were quite a few cut when I first got it and they never grew back or fell off.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
haha, I have no problem showing my face, but I sent the photo to my dad so used the paper to hide the massive amounts of cleavage. lol I also have never cut any leaves, there were quite a few cut when I first got it and they never grew back or fell off.
lol gotcha. respecting the father, that's always good. well like i said, i think that you def have some sort of nute deficiency or burn by the yellowing on the tips. I'm pretty new to all this so can't say which but def track that down.
* 6/30 - Found tiny little white egg looking things on the bottoms (and very rarely tops) of plant overnight. Took a flashlight and meticulously picked off and crushed each and every single one, and do not appear to have any pest problems at all otherwise (no bugs/webbing found). I'm so meticulous about observing my plant that I must have noticed within 24 hours of their arrival, thus averting any dastardly damage.

* 7/3 - Still no pest problems. Seemed to have cleared up the PH problems (leaves twist curling, occasional yellow tips to some leaves) by flushing with a good deal of fresh mountain waterfall water. Plant's behaving MUCH MUCH better than previously, showing TONS of new growth, a much faster grow rate (is up to 14-15"), and the top most leaves have become much broader (previously were around 2.5" across, now are 4" across). I keep finicking with the lights location, but the plant seems to love it, esp. since I put one lamp on each side (it's probably the cause of all the new middle growth). Took a bunch of photos today, but was lazy and just used iphone:
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Decided today to repot it once and for all, and got a PH tester. While I was shopping around for a larger container, I happened to find Black Gold on sale for buy 1 get 1 free, so mixed 3 parts Black Gold with 1 part Miracle Grow Organic Choice (what it's currently in) so as not to shock the plant too badly. Checked the PH of the water - a perfect 7.0, and the soil - around 6.75, so pretty decent in both regards. In placing it in a far larger container (one big enough for final plant by far), I had to relocate plant to floor, as stand was unstable. Moved lights as low as they'll go, however they're not made to be short, so they're now around 10" and 12" away from plant. Plant is 10" tall from soil.
Since moving the plant outside on 7/3, she's been doing FANTASTICALLY! Go figure, good ol' Oregon combined with a large container and lots of fresh waterfall water. She's in full sun for most of the day, and should naturally begin the next stage naturally as well, thanks to our timing. September's my birthday too, so it'll be quite a birthday present.

7/30 - 20"! I can't believe how big she's gotten! She comes up to my miniskirt, lol. I've managed to have zero pest problems since moving her outside by some miracle, just quite a few deformed leaves, but that's probably from the move itself (getting readjusted to 18/6 natural instead of 24 interior). July30th2012.jpg

8/5 - 24"! She's finally reached 2 feet. She's going to be pretty big at this rate! I'm just going to let her grow as tall as she'd like. Aug8th2012.jpg Aug8th2012-2.jpgAug8th2012-3.jpgAug8th2012-4.jpgAug8th2012-5.jpgAug8th2012-6.jpg
It's been quite an auto-pilot experience since moving outside, which I'm tickled about. I'm wondering if I should grab a few clones off of her and start a few others, but its kind of late for that.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it's too late now. You can tie back (LST) what you have to increase yield particularly any younger or more scraggly ones - yours, in general are nice and bushy but could be opened out a bit if you like to fuss (I do). And if we run out of things to do, planning for next grow is always enjoyable :weed:
I decided to use some green lace to gently tie the two main stems over for a bit so the bottom branches get some more light.


Well-Known Member
You will be pleased at how they respond. Ladies, in general, like to be gently tied :)
8/17 - (Week 10): Oh god the stress. She just went into preflowering, and I can't yet tell if she ended up being hermy or full female yet. It's too early to tell, but from what I've seen I think my little girl's finally turning into a woman. :3

Preflower 001.jpg

I enlarged the photo a bunch, and you can see little copperish hairs coming out of a couple of the preflowers!

Anyone know approximately how long it'll be in flowering?
Turns out all I had to do to make it easy on myself was keep a close eye on her and put her outside to do her thing naturally. Next summer I'm going to try for 6 instead of just 1 but wanted to make sure I wasn't terrible at it first, lol. I haven't the slightest clue how much she'll yield though, or even how to predict that kind of thing, so it'll be a surprise I guess. :)


Well-Known Member
If you can get me pics I can try and help you will yield. In the future of course. When you have one or two weeks to go just let me and the rest of us know and we will shoot for estimates


Well-Known Member
Oh god the stress. She just went into preflowering, and I can't yet tell if she ended up being hermy or full female yet. It's too early to tell, but from what I've seen I think my little girl's finally turning into a woman. :3

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I enlarged the photo a bunch, and you can see little copperish hairs coming out of a couple of the preflowers!

Anyone know approximately how long it'll be in flowering?
Once you go into full flowering (after you see like ten or 12 pistils on the top bud) it takes anywhere from 8 (indica doms) to 12 weeks or more (sativas).


Well-Known Member
I usually finish up by Halloween, though I have gone into November. I always quick dry a taste here and there along the way.
My biggest issue is security. I have no idea how to remedy the security problem, as I pretty much live in the worst possible place to do this (right next to a road, kind of low fence, no backyard all side yard and back porch, and people walk along the fence through the church parking lot all the time. The plant's just now getting to be the height of the porch railing, but once it starts to really get trichromes, I'm sure it's going to get a lot more attention. I'm not sure whether to risk fucking up the sunlight it's getting by putting up some clear plastic sheeting I've got, moving it to the side of the house where it'd get far less sun but be reasonably private, moving it inside at night then back outside before sunrise (around 6am), putting some kind of tall bushy plants on the side of it that's near the fence/porch banister, or putting up a camera and a motion light and hoping for the best. We've already had our car broken into twice in the 9 months we've lived here, but they've never come inside the fence before.

One side's surrounded by blackberries, one's got the house on it, but the other two are my concern.
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Standing where the plant is, since I suspect it'll end up being around my height total with the container:
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