First trip to the dispensary


Active Member
So I just got back from the despensary for the first time. It was fckn strange!!! I walk in and check in at the front door. They open the gate to the store and there is a armed guard at the door (very nice guy). It was kind of set up like a head shop, with a bakery. So I go over to the counter where the weed is. 6 gallon size glass jars labeled with the names of the weed. Here is where I felt a little strange...

This guy walks over that was dressed like he could have a second job at The Gap and starts talking to me very openly and bluntly about the weed. Now I know that some of are going to call me a loser for feeling strange about it, but you wouldn't understand if your have never bought "legal" weed. I just felt like I should be talking quite, or using code words for quantities.

So I order a half of AK-47 and a half of NL. Guy grabs two large prescription bottles and puts the weed in. He wraps them in a prescription bag and says $250!!!!

I love Colorado!!!

So, any good stories about the first time that you went? I kind of want to hear if I was the only one that felt strange.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty sweet, I could imagine that would be kind of awkward for the first time haha. By half did you mean half ounce or half quarter? :shock:

Sr. Verde

Man, I really wished I lived in a state that allowed Medical Marijuana.

I could totally use it, too.

Half of my bud goes to getting a good night's sleep.


Well-Known Member
bro, i know exactly what i'm gonna feel like in michigan. just gotta wait until it gets more set up to get more available ya know


Hahaha yeah man, I got my card a little back and it was indeed strange talking so openly about weed... But I got over it after the first visit. I've been going enough to make business with some of them.

Medical Marijuana owns!

I got some INSANELY good OG kush right now.


Active Member
$250 for a OZ!!! I know, crazy right? It's pretty cool living here. You pay $200 for a doc to tell you that you need it. He writes out a scrip. You walk across the street to the dispensary. Get your weed then go home and pay the $90 to the state. 3 months later you get your card and you can go to get an ounce as often as you want. The quality was very nice, the people were great. The receptionist had huge fake .... sorry, I got off on a little tangent there. But it was a little like heaven.
Only thing that could make it better is if the MJ is free lol. When you walked in did you hear harps playing and angels singing? lol.. Congrats on finally gaining the right to self medicate.. Isnt the plant a wonderful thing?



Active Member
are you in colorado? I just went to another one in the mountains that you would have thought would have been good but not so.


Well-Known Member
I wish I didn't live in such a backwards country... I'd love to be able to just walk into a shop and get an ounce.