First trial Autoflowering outdoor grow


New Member
Autoflowering strains ordered from seedman,
Strain mixed seeds LSD Barney's, Euphoria by Dutch passion, short and sweet or whipeout express by heavyweight seeds anyway most of them looks sativa more but not sure of the strains .
Germination of the small 2 plants , 1-Dec
Germination the bigger 2 plants (3 but one stunted) , 25-Oct
Soil and tap water so far till January 4th
No Feeding for the first time January 4th mixed top soil with plain compost and some blue small balls blue in color fertilizer contains NPK 12,12,17% all 4 plants same way in mixed like 2g0 gm of those blue tiny pills fertilzer with with compost and made 3-4 cm layer mixed with top soil.
Direct sunLight max 8 - 9 Hours
Temp 16-30 dry weather
Humidity 40-50%
Tap water.

Germination trial one one seed done 1st- October but unfortunately after 8 weeks raped and killed by my little devil baby boy so i made them a cage to protect them from predators heheheh. he removed it from the pot and sweeped floor with it chewed up the roots and some leafs teared apart and finally shoved it back in the pot but remaining roots up the sky and leafs and flowers deep the soil, found it dead dry after 2 days on time of watering them .

The 5th plant is so stunted short few leafs after topping and has small one Branch with small few flowers so counting like 4 are healthy and growing up.
Smaller plants topped once week ago.

Any ideas to maximize thier yield feeding help with the 5th stunted 5th plantthier look suggesting any prob? Even ur opinion only can be so helpful many regards for passing by hope to enjoy the journey with u here in this great forum.
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No Feeding for the first time January 4th mixed top soil with plain compost and some blue small balls blue in color fertilizer contains NPK 12,12,17% all 4 plants same way in mixed like 2g0 gm of those blue tiny pills fertilzer with with compost and made 3-4 cm layer mixed with top soil.
Direct sunLight max 8 - 9 Hours
Temp 16-30 dry weather
Humidity 40-50%
Tap water.


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Light doesn't damage roots, I use clear pots sometimes. That said, you can get algae in the pots if you're not used to growing in them. It doesn't seem to hurt the plants, but I'm sure it doesn't help.
Light doesn't damage roots, I use clear pots sometimes. That said, you can get algae in the pots if you're not used to growing in them. It doesn't seem to hurt the plants, but I'm sure it doesn't help.
"Despite growing underground, largely in darkness, roots emerge to be very sensitive to light. Recently, several important papers have been published which reveal that plant roots not only express all known light receptors but also that their growth, physiology and adaptive stress responses are light-sensitive.Dec 12, 2014"
Quick googlefu netted this.
Light is bad. Link in quote.
Googlefu is great. Experience is better. I have used, and sometimes still do use clear pots. With the exception of the occasional algae growth early on, I have had no problems with my plants. If you want to continue to discuss this feel free to dm me, but let's not hijack this thread.
Wasn't trying to hijack, sometimes times people like to have views from both sides. You know bro science vs. actual write ups vs. Exp.. the more info out there the better, that is all.
How them outdoor autos looking? Thinking about tossing a half dozen autos out in May this year as a bumper crop but I gotta see an outdoor quality first.