First TOP, how did i do?

Three different plants… 2 strawberry cough and 1 auto northern lights

I topped one of the strawberry coughs, how does it look?

And I'm leaving the other to just grow regular.

The auto is just something to do along the way while building up the strawberry coughs in veg.



Well-Known Member
They look fine. Far as which node you top at...not super crucial unless you're following a fairly strict training protocol like main-lining. Then it's best to follow guidelines. I've always wanted to grow that strain...hope they do well for you.
They look fine. Far as which node you top at...not super crucial unless you're following a fairly strict training protocol like main-lining. Then it's best to follow guidelines. I've always wanted to grow that strain...hope they do well for you.
Thanks man i appreciate it, il have to show you a pic of the end game since you never got to do it.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, looks just fine to me. No expert though, and this you probably know, but better safe than sorry: Im pretty sure autos arent supposed to be topped. I know you havent done so, Im just weighing in just before your trigger finger gets too fond of the scissor. Have a nice grow
Hey man, looks just fine to me. No expert though, and this you probably know, but better safe than sorry: Im pretty sure autos arent supposed to be topped. I know you havent done so, Im just weighing in just before your trigger finger gets too fond of the scissor. Have a nice grow
Cool my friend, any feedback from any other grower is great and much obliged. Thanks happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you chopped it's head clean off.
They look nice n green.
The sag dosent bug me.
looking good imho


Well-Known Member
looks great, im growing some strawberry kush (strawberry cough x og kush) its a very bushy plant it responds well to topping at the 3rd node. I have about 20 seeds of it and am on my 3rd run of it and its a medium to good yielding plant. Since its bushy I would say use a scrog what I did was use some plant sticks and bamboo sticks. lollipop the lower branches on your 3 main nodes to eliminate little worthless popcorn nugs this plant makes a lot of those.


I'm a believer in the Top. Tried the FIM with mixed results. Topping gives the best results consistently IMHO.
looks great, im growing some strawberry kush (strawberry cough x og kush) its a very bushy plant it responds well to topping at the 3rd node. I have about 20 seeds of it and am on my 3rd run of it and its a medium to good yielding plant. Since its bushy I would say use a scrog what I did was use some plant sticks and bamboo sticks. lollipop the lower branches on your 3 main nodes to eliminate little worthless popcorn nugs this plant makes a lot of those.
Well have to compare our end game product, to see how close the genes are haha. Thanks for the advice bro, i think scrog make the most sense to. But if you don't mind could you explain what you mean lollipop the lower branches..? (My 1st time)
Yeah. When you removed the top you
caused the two under it to become tops.
Looks good.
Thanks my friend! Its always nice and feels good when another grower says your doing a good job (especially cause its my 1st grow). Much appreciation! Happy growing and if you want ill start another thread down the road so everyone can see how they progress.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say the same, to take off those very bottom leaves
off the strawberry coughs. New stronger energy will be diverted to
the new growth as well as the rest of the plant.


Well-Known Member
The smaller undeveloped stuff you could remove and it will divert the energy to other areas of the plant that are more developed.. But dont get to snippy when your removing the lower area it could set you back if they get shocked ... alot of times more can be less.. ;) HG -ch33b