First timer


Active Member
Hey all, long time lurker first time poster. I have this Durban Poison plant that was doing well but now has what looks like a calcium deficiency? I have been feeding her with H&G Soil and a little cal mag plus. PPM during veg was around 500ish and I have increased that up to around 1k at this point. Plant is in a 5 gallon pot in Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil with about 20% added perlite.


This is what the girl looked like on Jan 12th 2015. I had recently topped her as you can see in this photo.


Here she is a couple weeks later showing her sex.


A couple more weeks and she is starting to flower pretty well. I had my ballast dimmed to 600w for the MH bulb that I had used in veg and had continued the 600w with the HPS bulb I installed when I switched her to a 12/12 lighting schedule. I decided to go ahead and kick up the wattage to 1000w and I neglected to raise the light when I did it. N00b mistake and within one day I had orange dots on a bunch of fan leaves.


Here she is a couple of days ago and as you can see she has orange dots on her leaves that seem to indicate a calcium deficiency. Could this be caused by having the light too close?


A close up of one of her flowers.

I would welcome any advice from any of you as this is my first time growing this wonderful plant.

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Well-Known Member
Is it calcium deficient or low on nitrogen? fans look a little yellow to me, but im still a nublet so hopefully someone else will chime in!


Well-Known Member
Looking real good. It looks to me like they're gonna be ok. there isn't even enough discolorment in your leaves to even see and diagnose. at this point your plants are pretty sturdy and resilient. Keep it up!


Active Member
Hey, thanks for the replies. I found a pic that gives a better view of the spots I'm talking about.

Feb212015spots (2).jpg

It hasn't increased since I did raise the light. Hope I didn't hurt her. She is just finishing up her fourth week of flower.


Well-Known Member
They look healthy to me. If you hadn't scorched them they would look like a million bucks, but no harm done, I'd say.

Nice plants dude! Enjoy


Well-Known Member
Spots are most likely from PH swing/shock.

Very, very nice for first time.

What are you using for lights?


Active Member
Thanks nomofatum. PH swing eh? I will keep a better eye on that. I did feed her plain water
from my dehumidifier on one day without checking the ph.

I used a 1000w MH bulb turned down to 600w for veg and I am using a 1000w hps for flower.

Thanks Swim, ya I was bummed when I came home to that for sure. I will be more diligent.
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