First Timer


Active Member
I'm a first time grower, and I'm trying to figure out the cheapest/easiest set up to growing indoors. I've done a lot of prior research into growing, but never had the balls or the income to do it myself. Now i have a little bit of space and i feel like now is a perfect time to try it out. Could someone throw me a bone and fill me in on the ways of a grower? i.e... a particular set up that is easy to replicate and a dank bud that will put up with a newbie.


Active Member
I'm in my first grow and its going pretty good so far. Bud is all up to you, but if you get seeds from a place online it will tell you what experience level the strand takes (beginner, medium, expert) so beginner is usually the easiest. Depends on how much space/money you have and what type of set up you want (hydro, soil, aero) soil is the most forgiving which is what most people start on, it produces less bud but its better tasting and a smoother smoke. The watts of the light are all up to you, whether you want 400, 600 or 1000, the more watts the denser the buds but the more heat it produces, so you need to have a bigger room or ventilation for the higher watts. Soils vary, but a perelite/soil mix is good, just make sure your soil has the right nutrients (soil testing kit). For the seeds there are a few methods (paper towel, floating, etc) but the best place to go is GrowFAQ, it explains everything there. Hope this helps some, good luck!