first timer...need advice...please help

So i just switched to flowering...after 6 weeks.

i have been using an organic nute solution callled Bio-grow (8-2-6) the plants seem to love it.

i know bought the same brand's flowering nute solution (bio-bloom 2-6-3.5) and blooming stimulator (top max 0.1-0.01-0.1) both of which are also organic.

i have a few questions
1) do i start with the flowering solution and bloom stimulator now even tho i switched to 12/12 only 3 days ago
2) do i continue to use the bio-grow along with the bio-bloom and the top-max, or just the bio-bloom and top-max
3)when feeding, do i mix the 2(or 3) nute solutions into the same watering can or do i need to make a mix of each one and water with each.


Well-Known Member
use the veg nutes all the way through but decrease amount towards end of flower and stop a week or 2 before you crop
use the veg nutes all the way through but decrease amount towards end of flower and stop a week or 2 before you crop
hey thanks for the help....when i use the nutes together, do i mix them all together with the water, or does each nute solution get its own mix

Brick Top

New Member
Cannabis plants require less nitrogen while in flower than when in the vegetative growth phase. That is why both vegetative growth ferts and flowering ferts are made. Too much nitrogen will delay flowering. Another problem with using veg ferts while in flower is plants will not use as much nitrogen while in flower and it will build up faster in a growing medium resulting in nute lockout. What is risked is nitrogen toxicity. Leaves are often dark green and in the early stages abundant with foliage but a dark green color is a sign of excessive nitrogen. If severe enough leaves will of course burn or dry and die but you also put your root system at risk. With a constant excess of nitrogen root systems will remain under developed or deteriorate after time. Fruit/flower set will be inhibited or deformed. There will also be a breakdown of vascular tissue restricting water uptake, hence the drying out of plants when drying seems to be inexplicable. Stress resistance is also drastically diminished and problems, hermies included, are more likely to occur than they otherwise would.
400w HPS in w/ cool tube in my medium sized closet. fan inside to circulate air, along with a 5 inch intake fan. the exhaust is the cool tube sucking the hot air out. i unfortunately live in teh desert and it gets super hot and i dont have an AC. Not much i can do. so far they have been ok but its been getting pretty bad.

im still a little confused as to when to use which nutes. and if im supposed to mix them together in the water. one person told me not too and that it bad. another person said it doesnt matter. i still dont know if im supposed to stop with the bio-grow when i start with the bio-bloom. i need to water them in about an hour so im on a crazy info hunt right now....
Cannabis plants require less nitrogen while in flower than when in the vegetative growth phase. That is why both vegetative growth ferts and flowering ferts are made. Too much nitrogen will delay flowering. Another problem with using veg ferts while in flower is plants will not use as much nitrogen while in flower and it will build up faster in a growing medium resulting in nute lockout. What is risked is nitrogen toxicity. Leaves are often dark green and in the early stages abundant with foliage but a dark green color is a sign of excessive nitrogen. If severe enough leaves will of course burn or dry and die but you also put your root system at risk. With a constant excess of nitrogen root systems will remain under developed or deteriorate after time. Fruit/flower set will be inhibited or deformed. There will also be a breakdown of vascular tissue restricting water uptake, hence the drying out of plants when drying seems to be inexplicable. Stress resistance is also drastically diminished and problems, hermies included, are more likely to occur than they otherwise would.
wow...thats some good shit right there man. +rep for you as well.
after reading that post i guess ill stop with the grow nutes and stick with the bloom nutes.

my question for you, if you know the answer is....
when do i switch to the bloom that i've switched to 12/12 or only one i start to see flowers.
also is it ok for me to mix the nutes (bloom nutes and bloom stimulator) together in one watering can

Brick Top

New Member
wow...thats some good shit right there man. +rep for you as well.
after reading that post i guess ill stop with the grow nutes and stick with the bloom nutes.

my question for you, if you know the answer is....
when do i switch to the bloom that i've switched to 12/12 or only one i start to see flowers.
also is it ok for me to mix the nutes (bloom nutes and bloom stimulator) together in one watering can

It is not an injudicious thing for one to do to flush their soil near the end of the vegetative growth phase and then change to flowering fertilizer a few days after turning the light to a 12/12 day/night schedule. That flushes away excess nutes and gives the plants a chance to use up at least some of the stored nutes so once in flower there is a better balance of nutes in the amounts needed when in flower.