first timer looking for a little input


I have a garden with a few veggie plants and i threw a couple seeds out not thinking they would grow but i guess i was wrong. its been maybe 3 weeks or so now and i was just wondering how they are doing. like if its small for 3 weeks or doing good. any info would be cool.

here are a few pics of what i have

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Well-Known Member
Not bad! You might want to dig up 3 and replant them so that they have more space. Their roots will constrict them selfs otherwise.


Active Member
Damn socaliboy, that avatar made me forget how to type.

But ditto. If you want to keep them all, you will have to give them room to grow. Minimum distance between each plant should be 3'.


ok. i was wondering if they would be ok like that or not. i didnt want to dig them up if i didnt have to

and countryfarmer i was the same way. i kept looking at his


Active Member
With them as close as they are, what I would do is figure the halfway distance between each plant and insert your hand spade perpendicular to the ground between the two plants and as deep as it will go. Then lever out the dirt and place in a prepared individual pot, or a prepared hole while keeping as much dirt as possible around the roots. Then water.


Active Member
I wouldn't "pull" any of them. I would leave the biggest one in its spot and then dig around the other two with a small gardening shovel and gently lift them out from the bottom using the shovel. Then just separate the two plants from each other (its ok if a couple roots break). Just be sure to not expose the roots to the light too long and to transplant them quickly to a new spot so they're at least a couple feet apart and then water them.


so as long as the roots dont get a lot of light they should survive the transplant? gonna be hard as there is barely any space between them