first timer in need of advice


Active Member
i am new to growing.i will be growing white widow and northern lights as soon as my seeds quistion is since i only have 20 seeds [10 of ea.] and i can only grow 10 plants in my grow box how do i dertermine which to do first or can i do both at the same time. how many seeds do i need to germinate to assure myself about 10 good females?i have a prettybig growcloset with 2 different grow areas and a supercloner so i will not be growing from seed for but once.or am i wrong?:weed: i need a good first harvest because of all the $$$ i invested in buying a ready to grow supercloset.can anybody help?:o

Pot Is Yummy

Well-Known Member
i am new to growing.i will be growing white widow and northern lights as soon as my seeds quistion is since i only have 20 seeds [10 of ea.] and i can only grow 10 plants in my grow box how do i dertermine which to do first or can i do both at the same time. how many seeds do i need to germinate to assure myself about 10 good females?i have a prettybig growcloset with 2 different grow areas and a supercloner so i will not be growing from seed for but once.or am i wrong?:weed: i need a good first harvest because of all the $$$ i invested in buying a ready to grow supercloset.can anybody help?:o
You can grow both strains at the same time i believe, if all 20 will fit. Id go by the 1 plant per 1 foot squared rule. Remember, youll be murdering the males unless you got feminized seeds.

Good Luck in your first grow.


Active Member
i didnt get feminised should i try to germinate all 20 to assure i get 10 females then i clone from there on out right? no more seeds?i dont know how many square feet i have but my big chamber is 4.5 x 3ft wide by 2ft deep with400hps so 10 should be ok right? sorry to bombard you with so many quistions but im nervous that im gonna mess it


Active Member
i didnt get feminised should i try to germinate all 20 to assure i get 10 females then i clone from there on out right? no more seeds?i dont know how many square feet i have but my big chamber is 4.5 x 3ft wide by 2ft deep with400hps so 10 should be ok right? sorry to bombard you with so many quistions but im nervous that im gonna mess it

Pot Is Yummy

Well-Known Member
Im not a big time grower or anything, but i think 10 should be fine, youd always have 10 more seeds if you mess up real bad. And if things go good you could plant the rest of the seeds for another harvest.