first timer how they lookin?

disco dave

Active Member
alright guys how are my plants lookin got 3 ak48 and 1 super skunk. there almost 6 weeks old had to switch them to 12/12 a few days ago cause there gettin quite bushy. one is deffo fem its got the hairs between the nodes pretty sure the othes are too.all the new growth at the top is coverd in crystals is this a sign of a fem or do males get them aswell



Active Member
nope on males but make sure there crystals.they will only be around budding sites.Other thing such as certan appliances such as swamp coolers(cool air misters and some ac can leave dust that could look somewhat close to a not so good eye.your plants are lookin exceptional for a first timer just remember ventilation,ph,correct water n nutes,temp/humidity are the most important.keep up beutiful ladies.:clap:

disco dave

Active Member
thanks man pretty sure everything is good temps and humidity always right ph around 7 use boiled water. usin bio bizz nutes

disco dave

Active Member
there under 400w hps. they were under 400w mh for veg. actually started them under hps for 2 weeks but then got hold of the mh lamp changed it and they just took off switched back to hps a few days ago. there in my shed outside no ventilation but have door slightly open in 3 gal pots in bio bizz all mix and using bio grow and bloom and topmax for flowering using there feeding schedual seems to be working well they look really healthy


Well-Known Member
im a first timer and my plants do not look like that what light are you using and did you low stress train them to be that bushy?

disco dave

Active Member
hey thanks man i have been doin research for months and got marijuana growers bible (great book) iv just never come across the term low stress training. do you mean pruning or topping. iv read that ak48 is a small bushy plant so i guess thats why its so bushy every strain is different. what you growing zilluz


Well-Known Member

i got jock horror, kc36, swiss and a couple ov plants which i dnt know what they are