First timer, growing "short ryder" (all fem)


:wall: I have no clue how this works, im working with a 4*6 area, what do I need in the way of lights, fans, etc... advice please?!?!??:leaf:


This will be a bit wordy as I am trying to fit a lot of questions into a shobrt paragraph, here goes. It has been 2 days in the soil for my short rider seeds, they have sprouted (a green thing is poking through the knot) but have not really done anything, no roots etc... Is this normal? Im using a 400W MH lamp, the seeds are about 12 inches from the lamp, it is usually around 75 degrees in the room, should I make it hotter? I'm using a slightly brown plastic grocery store bag as a humidity dome substitute, no nutes, I soaked the soil a few times, it that bad? (I keep the soil moist to the touch) When should I begin using nutes? There are so many mixed opinions about this. Ok, a correction, I am now using a large piece of clear plastic as a humidity dome substitute, I'm pretty sure that bag was messing with the lighting situation... Anyway, I'm limited to lowes and home depot for my soil needs so any suggestions... What is the best kind of miracle grow soil? Right now I'm using "Miracle Grow Organic Garden". Is a 5 gallon pot really necessary, what would be sufficient?
