First timer getting into DWC/Bubbleponics. Need help/advise..


Well-Known Member
Okay, I have been reading/watching video's ALL day about DWC/Bubbleponics but I still don't get the jyst of it..

Like how much water is suppose to be in it at times, Is it necessary to have a fill/drain? do I let the bubbler run 24/7? How hi do the pots have to be outta the water? Do i have to use the lil balls or is there a sub for it? do I need cubes or can I take Clones from soil and put them in the balls or sub for it?

Ahhhhhhhh this is allllll too much lol! damn!

Please I need help. ANY INPUT is WELLLLLLL appreciated!


Well-Known Member
So I go out lastnight, Make a half hr drive to wally world, Get a pump/stone.. come home. THEY BLOW!!! So around 430am, We go back to walmart, I got the two outlet and just one 5" stone... Another stupid ass idea, The pump works great.. Now the Airstone is way to small.. I think..

So much planning went into this, For it all to fail @ the end lol =(


Well-Known Member
Here is my first take @ DWC/Bubblepon. Its wayyyyy rough condition, I do not care if the plant dies or lives, this is a learning expierence for me. Its a 2800cc pump, dual outlet, but I only have it on one 5in airstone.. Let me know what I'm doing wrong! should I add another 5in airstone?



Well-Known Member
How big of pump are you running? and how big of stone? My pump is the dual outlet 2800cc with 1 5in air stone (blows) need to add another soon!
Also how big is your container?

I have Ionic boost and grow hydro nutes.


Well-Known Member
My container right now is just a little metal tin, very small, eventually I'm going to move my net pot over to a big rubbermaid after I have room in my cabinet. My pump is just the cheapest aquarium pump you can buy at walmart for like 8 bucks. I running a weighted airstone that I got at my hydro shop, just one. Also using the GH line of nutes.


Well-Known Member
I bought the pump @ walmart too then came back and it would not bubble the stone good enough, Took it back and got the 2nd bigger one (dual air) and now the stone is still too small lol.. I think I'm going to switch it up to a smaller container though and see if it bubbles any better. I haven't been home all day to check the PH or anything =/..


Well-Known Member
I run an 8 bucket recirculating DWC with an 80 watt commercial pump that runs 12 cylinder shaped stones. They are about 3.5 inches long and the diameter of a silver dollar. 5 bucks per at hydro shop. I used a flat round stone once but it clogged up pretty quickly.

In my veg room I use (2) 4-port and (1) 2-port aquarium pumps to run 10 of the stones. For the price of those 3 pumps, I could have bought another 80 watt commercial and have more air flow. They are a bit loud though.