First Timer, Buds Forming, Now What?


New Member

I threw a few seeds into my GF’s herb garden a few months ago and now I have a 3 ft plant that in the last few days, has begun to flower. I replanted it in a larger pot about a month ago and it did really well. Then I learned that my cat is a huge fan of the leaves. It survived that trauma and thrived. Now it’s budding and I’m excited to see what happens next. So, should I just leave it alone, water it when dry and let nature take its course or start feeding it flowering nutrients? I’ve read that the flowering process takes a few months? I’m in Wisconsin and it’s going to start getting cold in a month or 2, thoughts? Any advice is appreciated! apologies if this is the 10,000th repetition of this post.




Well-Known Member
It seems happy enough. Just water but if you have access to some feed it certainly won't hurt.