First timer and using bubbleponic


New Member
An extra fan is all you'll need. Aim it in the general direction of the plant or out the door. Another reason why winter is better for harvest. It's get dry around here soon.


New Member
I don't really know I've always had a dehumidifier. I think I heard someone say in one of there threads that they put a 5 gallon bucket of rock salt in their room to dehumidify and it worked < I just did a google search and found a few different methods of doing this with rock salt so it should work. Here are a couple of ways to do it and you could probably just get away with filling a small bathroom trash can or something with it. or


Active Member
I don't really know I've always had a dehumidifier. I think I heard someone say in one of there threads that they put a 5 gallon bucket of rock salt in their room to dehumidify and it worked < I just did a google search and found a few different methods of doing this with rock salt so it should work. Here are a couple of ways to do it and you could probably just get away with filling a small bathroom trash can or something with it. or
good stuff as always


Active Member
Day 25 of flowering - Chiesel had a huge growth spurt during lights out.

A Blue Cheese Bud

The LST hooks I attached, you have to sand the box to abrase it and then clean the area first. Walmart 6 for $1

The tank after LST'ing the Chiesel and Biggest BC. Will do the other 2 BC in a day or 2


New Member
Great job and good planning! Nice open canopy for some extra bud growth. Like the tie off hooks! I think she has switched to full flower!


New Member
I like the tie off hooks 2 great idea. Those are getting pretty big. Its good to see that you have yet to have any real problems so few get it right the first time


Active Member
I made the home made salt dehumidifier. It has been about 7 hours and so far not much drop. We'll see how it looks after a few days. As far as the hooks go, thanks for the positive feedback, the idea was all mine; but go ahead and spread the knowledge :mrgreen:


Active Member
I hate to say it, but the salt dehumidifier is kind of a bust. There is water gathering at the bottom, but not enough to make a big difference. It is looking like I may be doing harvest in 2 stages. 1 BC and 1 Chiesel are well ahead of the rest, and the other 2 BC and giant Chiesel are about the same point. I will put up pics tommorrow night when I drain and replenish


Active Member
And with the hooks I found you need to use a little super glue (I think). Just did it tonight so we'll see how it holds come tommorrow