First Timer, 3rd Week Flower, Leaf Prob


Sup everyone,

I posted this in another website's forum, got a bunch of views but nobody replied so I think I chose the wrong site to consult. I will just copy/paste what it is...

So this is my first grow and I am currently at the end of week 2 in flower. This process has had its moments, from starting way too late in my climate[Northern Ohio] to my cat gnawing off my babies' first pair of true leaves, which he essentially gave the plant its first topping haha.

I would have like to had vegged for another few weeks, but since my flower room is in my garage, I had to throw it in flower mode as quickly as possible.

Background is...

Breed: S.A.D.D. from So. Oregon Seed Bank seen here:

Started in FFOF soil and am still using it to this day. I haven't given any add't nutes at all.

Veg'd under 4- T12's 6500k...didn't have anything better at the time, but it actually worked pretty well.

I hung a 150w HPS in my garage for flower. Since it's only one plant, I figured that will get me by.

Problem: Over the past week, the huge fan leaves in the middle of the plant are basically dying. The ends of them are all dried up as if I took a lighter to them, and they feel like sand paper, not like leaves. The weird part is that it is ONLY the huge ones in the middle, none on the bottom are like that, nor the top. The ones that are dying are probably a good 12"-15" away from the HPS so it can't be too hot. The top cola is probably 4-6" away from the light and it looks great and so does its leaves. Some of the very bottom leaves on the plant are slowing falling off, but I kind of expected that because of how far they are away from the light, plus I probably should have chopped those off pre-flower anyhow.

I've google'd around and one guy from the UK seems to have had the same problem, but of course the thread just dies without any resolution.

So, I know it's difficult to assume what the deal is without being here to see conditions and such, but any educated guesses?

Thanks in advance!!0922151114b.jpg 0922151113.jpg 0922151114b.jpg


Thanks for responding guys.

Dub, currently I don't have a PH meter so I am not sure...what I do is use distilled water in a big jug then leave the cap off and let it sit for a day or two before using. Since this is a soil grow, is PH as big as say Hydro grow? From what I read people seem to think that, maybe they are wrong. Looking on eBay for a meter now, you got any brand suggestions?

Not using any additional nutes. Just what ever is in Foxfarm Ocean Forest. I have some Overdrive by Advanced Nutrients, but I think that's for the last couple weeks of flower.

Diabolical, you think it's over watering? To be honest if anything, I thought I wasn't watering enough. I never put enough in to the point where it starts draining out the bottom...I only water maybe once every 5 days. Seems like the soil stays pretty moist in this 3gal pot

I was thinking it was heat related because of the HPS since this is when the problem arose, didn't have any issues like this during veg other than my cat getting ahold of it.


Well-Known Member
My PH has recently been too high and new growth was affected, mutated, twisted leaves is what I had a problem with, still new at this so not 100% sure, but yours so not look to be too high.


Yeah... These are definitely old leaves, the biggest on the plant too. I just want to make sure it doesn't progress to others and eventually, the nugs


Well-Known Member
you think it's over watering? To be honest if anything, I thought I wasn't watering enough. I never put enough in to the point where it starts draining out the bottom...
Could be your problem, you might be getting salt build-up in your medium.


Temps are another thing I haven't been keeping track of... When I was vegging, it was in my basement so it stayed a steady 72-75. Now that it's in my garage, during the day it's probably 70, but at night it's getting cooler so it drops to 60-65.

Maybe ill start running my hps at night instead of during the day.

Just watered this morning, made sure I saw run off before stopping this time.


Well-Known Member
Since you're using distilled water you may need to consider a cal/mag additive. Did anyone mention that possibility? Oh yeah and don't screw with your light times at this stage of flowering otherwise you may get hermies.


Thanks guys. What's the alternative to distilled? Tap? Would that not need calmag?

Also, should I snip those leaves or let the plant decide when it doesn't want em?


Well, I am still waiting on my digi PH meter to get here, but I took some more shots today. The leaves are still dying off but they're not to the point where I can just pull them off, so I have been leaving them. The buds still look good and I am beginning to see the crystals among the node sites. Some of the stems are nice and sticky.0928151655.jpg 0928151655a.jpg 0928151656.jpg 0928151656a.jpg 0928151657.jpg 0928151657a.jpg


Welp, I am about 3 weeks out at this point and the leaves still look like junk, but the nug sites look awesome to me...all sticky and crystally. I guess next time I will feed her bloom the first couple weeks of 12/12 to keep the leaves looking mean and green. Sucks that winter is coming up so I have to wait a few months to start my next plant, but may be legal next go round here in Ohio! Although the law isn't the best, it gives me the opportunity to grow without worrying about Popo busting down my door haha.1009152139.jpg 1009152139a.jpg 1009152140.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks for responding guys.

Dub, currently I don't have a PH meter so I am not sure...what I do is use distilled water in a big jug then leave the cap off and let it sit for a day or two before using. Since this is a soil grow, is PH as big as say Hydro grow? From what I read people seem to think that, maybe they are wrong. Looking on eBay for a meter now, you got any brand suggestions?

Not using any additional nutes. Just what ever is in Foxfarm Ocean Forest. I have some Overdrive by Advanced Nutrients, but I think that's for the last couple weeks of flower.

Diabolical, you think it's over watering? To be honest if anything, I thought I wasn't watering enough. I never put enough in to the point where it starts draining out the bottom...I only water maybe once every 5 days. Seems like the soil stays pretty moist in this 3gal pot

I was thinking it was heat related because of the HPS since this is when the problem arose, didn't have any issues like this during veg other than my cat getting ahold of it.
ok..if you are watering every 5 days...its just too much water... should be giving enough water to dry out in 2-3 days. So the plant is still getting over watered and the leaves are still responding to this. Pull the crispy leaves off, let it fully dry out, and give it a 5count of water (count while pouring ...1..2..3..4..5.. stop) check on it every 12 hrs or so till you get the watering on point. let the plant dry out 85% before next watering.


Here she is in Week 7 I believe. You can see the hairs turning orange. Leaves looking even worse...being my first time, if you ask me, the nugs seem to drain the fans of all their energy as the grow. Maybe that's just how it rolls. Anyhow I flushed last night and that will probably be my last watering as this soil seems to retain water very well.

Any tips on harvesting, throw em at me!!

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Well-Known Member
Ohio legal in November...Don't forget to vote
you're plant not ready about two weeks or so looks like week 6 of 9 getting cold at night is your light on over night off during the day