First time!

Alright so ive never grown before and i dont have alot to work with,im using regular potting soil in brand new cups with holes in the bottom,i dampend the soil before putting it in the cups,i read online to put seeds in water for 1 hour and then straight into the dirt,i did as directed and they our in the cups in a box under a lamp,the temp in the box is 79 degrees at all times, (just the temp the box gets at with the lamp,i did not choose it) I put the seeds in the cups last night snd they have been under the lamp ever since,i didint germinate because ive never had any luck with any seeds germinating,ive never gotten to the planting stage,everytime i germinate my seeds dont pop and they just turn black but im hoping the fact that i just put them in the ground raises my success rate,when will i start to see my plant sprout? Also i dont have nutrients to feed my plants,is there any natural sources i can use as nutrients? The soul im using is murical grow potting soil.excuse my spelling,my phone has small buttons.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Id stay away from miracle grow if you can't help it. If not add some more perlite to it or it has a high probability of getting aneorobic.


Well-Known Member
When u first start out there's a learning curve envolved this is an exelent place to gain knowledge........but at times you'll be bombarded with different opinions on what's best and that can be confusing to the beginners All I can say to you is take all this with a grain of salt after all none of us will be smoking your final product . Good luck to you my friend and congrats on your new hobby!
I haven't had any luck with miracle gro but some people do just keep an eye on it once it pops

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Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
If you are on a strict budget... 70% miracle grow. 20 % perlite and 10 % Black Kow (cow poop available probably the same place you got MG). You shouldn't need to feed the plant for atleast a cpl weeks.
Considering i did not germinate my seeds how long before they sprout? Im germinating 3 other seeds to see if it works because i found a different way to it,i just want to know how long so i dont have them sitting there if they arnt even doing anything