First time with soil -- deficiency?


New Member
Hey guys, thanks for the replies!

I went ahead and flushed the bigger plant today using not distilled but rather filtered water (too hard to get that much distilled water).

Here are some updated photos. I've highlighted some of the spots that are new.

IMAG0124.jpg IMAG0123.jpg IMAG0122.jpg IMAG0125.jpg


Well-Known Member
upload_2014-7-10_17-51-53.jpegupload_2014-7-10_17-52-19.jpegone of these will work. no need to flush new soil no need to flush any soil if you know what your doing. who ever told you that needs to be ball checked real hard.


New Member
The spots do look like a mag deficiency, it's difficult to decide who's advice to go with at times. I've added some cal mag too. I'll give it a few days and see how it reacts.


Well-Known Member
Give it a few days with the calmag and it will green up just add it to your water and make sure to ph adjust 6.5 to 6.8 no more no less