First Time : When to Prune?


Well-Known Member
18" is pretty small. I have around 26" of grow space I can usually keep them 5-6" away from the cooltube.


New Member
I'll figure something out. Always up for the challenge. Besides when you've got limited options you find the best solutions! That plant is going to be bendy as fuck!


Well-Known Member
I love lst personally, I do it no matter what size area I have. With that small of a space, top her, then after she recovers, bent that main stem to the side of the pot and ie, once she grows a little more and starts to look back at the light, bent that down and tie. Once your other side stems start to grow long, tie them suckers down too. You will end up with (in my case) 9 heads! It's an amazing technique. You can tie her down as much as you want. You control where she goes!


Well-Known Member
LST is wonderful. Got three plants down now, each at 8-9 tops and trying to decide when to stop. Awesome when you have ones popping up or getting prominent each day!


New Member
Hey guys,

Thought I'd give you an update. Into flowering now. Remember how limited for space I was? Well, it's apparent that the yield isn't going to be super huge (as expected) but I'm pretty happy with how it's going.



Well-Known Member
Well you won't get much but it is pretty!!! You may want to train the crap out of the next one if that is all the space you have. If it was myself I would top it a few times and train it to grow horizontally. I've seen outdoor grows that were trained to grow along the ground for a few feet by staking them. It would be a cool experiment if nothing else. I have 5.5 feet above my trays and I run out of room with lots of strains.

