First time @ this need some input?


Active Member
A friend gave me some seeds so I did a little bit of resurch. Out of 20 that I planted 10 made it! I am using 3 100w CFL (DAY LITE)
My questions that I have? What light cycle sould I have them on? And how will I know when flowering is ready to start. Any info will help!
This is what they look like on day 18.


Well-Known Member
apparently,,,you can start flowering almost right away,,,if your doing a sea of green,,wich is low plants,,but a few of them,,I however let 8 plants grow too almost 40 days,,before i started too flower them,,,you decide,,,in the beginning,,,they should get 24 or 18 or 16 hours of light,,,,when you want them too flower,,,you change the light schedule to 12 hours on,,,12 hours off,,,after a week or too,,they will start the process,,,,and you will be able to determine the sex of your plant,,,if you find males,,,,get rid of em,,,,immmediately,,if you find females,,,,Keep on Growin


Well-Known Member
hi bs! (hm, we're gonna have to get you a nickname :mrgreen:)

they look nice and green, but, they are a bit stretched... no worries, fill up those cups with dirt, up the the cotyledons (the little round bean leaves). your plants will be much sturdier, as the dirt will hold the stem, and the stem will eventually sprout roots, so don't worry about burying it. up to the beans leaves...

i veg on 24/0, you can do anything from 16/8 to 24/0 and your plants will veg.

your plants will be mature and ready to flower after 4-8 weeks (approx) of veg. look for preflowers (faq's have some good pix i think, if not pm me) and get rid of your males, and your females can be flowered, or vegged longer, what ever you wish.



Well-Known Member
When you said 100w do you mean the 100w equivalent or the actual watts, which is 26 for a 100 watt equivalent CFL. If it's only 3 26 watt bulbs then you'll need at least 4 more for now, and you should keep them within 3 inches of your plants. Once they mature a little you can put the lights even closer.


Active Member
New pic's after repoting day 26 8/3/07! Thank's for all the help my plants look way better!

This was last night day 30 8/7/07!

I am using 18-18-21 for the veg cycle is that ok? And what about plant boost that I see people using?
If there is any thing I could do to help my garden pleas let me know!


Well-Known Member
still too young for preflowers babe; wait a few weeks ;) just keep on keepin on...

as for supplements, you could use superthrive, it's a hormone/vitamin product, and a great stress reliever. use til week four of flower.

for bloom (this is when most use sups) there are many products available; the best i've used (first run atm) is AN hammerhead 0-9-18



Well-Known Member
try focusing on the lumen output, the bulbs you are buying, produce. 7000-7500 is what is needed per plant to generate "magazine cover" buds. 2000 lumens are the minimum needed per plant to sustain growth. This info comes from Jorge Cervantes book


Active Member
Get rid of that aluminum foil ASAP!!!! it will focus the light and burn your plants, not to mention it is very inefficient with a reflectivity of around 30-40% i think (its been a while since i have really read about it other than people telling people to rip it out of the grow room as if it were a male plant. Buy some mylar or put up white paper on the walls instead. Other than that things are looking great... good luck with the rest of your grow