First time supersoil user.


Well-Known Member
If i transplant plants in 3g pots with roots organic soil after 4 weeks into a 5g bucket with supersoil in the bottom. will i be able to veg those plants a few weeks before putting them into flower? and if so will the soil hold up for 8 more weeks of flowering or will I need to make some teas or use some big bloom (organic stuff from fox farm).

i usually veg plants for 8 weeks from sprout or clone then put them into flower im just trying to figure out how long of a window the supersoil will last.

the soil is currently cooking right now i started it when i transplanted 8 seedlings to 3g pots. i have time to look up and brew teas later if needed im just trying to get a general consensus on how long plants can go on supersoil after the final transplant.

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
What is in the soil mix you are using? Usually a decent soil mix will provide all the necessary nutrients for veg... Then a bloom formula is required, can I suggest using earth juice over fox farms big bloom this has produced far better results for lots of growers than fox farm and in a very thorough study on another site is proven as probably the best organic bloom formula on the market... Also can I ask why you transplant your plants, if you go for the biggest pots you can find you will delay slowing down root growth and promote much more root growth resulting in much larger yielding healthier plants IMO when using soil 80-100 gallon pots are the minimum with the right soil mix and bloom formula these will result is huge yielding plants compared with tiny pots...


Well-Known Member
because the super soil is not ready. im using the subcools formula. its been cooking about a week thats when i moved my 8 seedlings into 3g pots with just roots 707 in it. by the time they are 4 weeks old the supersoil will be ready. im not asking about veg. supersoil is suppose to last you all the way through flowering with just watering supposively. i didnt know if i veg'd for a few weeks in the super soil how long it will last into flower. i guess when i start seeing yellowing il start giving teas or earth juice as you recommended im going to look into that. i knew big bloom was organic and i had used it before was why i mentioned that before.

usually i would go directly to the 5g pot but since i have to let my soil cook for 30 days i needed to xplant them out of party cups so the 3g was my choice.


Well-Known Member
When you transplant from one size to another the pot should be double the size....Example ....3 gal to 6 Gal. As far as the soil goes I'm sure you know this but you fill the pot 1/3 to 1\2 full of super soil,Then you put your base mix. If it was me and I wanted to veg for a couple extra weeks I would fill the pot 1\2 full of super soil. There is enough Nutes in the soil to last you that long. If it starts to run out in flower all you have to do is top dress with the super soil.



Well-Known Member
I would against topfeeding with super soil during flowering. too much avail N at that point. you want most nutes burned up by midflower except for P stored in plant. super soil needs to be timed right to produce flavorful dense flowers. its a good thing for a truly organic plant to canabalize itself mid to late flower. earth juice is still full of chelates(?) which is why for truly all natural id avoid it. any liquid that assists roots intake of nutes is not following an organic process imo. big bloom is legit on that chelating(?) shnits at feeds soil, not roots...this is good


Well-Known Member
as far as feeding soil statement I made...if you don't get got lots to learn... I am referring to the process of juice does not adhere to natures natural process...don't belive me? make a tru living soil...any your eath juice from early veg...then any point just stop using it and try to just add water, clean water. your plant will suffer horribly if not die when you stop. you think that's natural? youre a turd...natre doesn't work that way... there are plenty of organic chelates, but they all force a plant to become dependent on the chelates themselves completely ingorning microlife...been only adding water for 20+ years myself...

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
I only use earth juice for there bloom formula and use it through flower up until flower i agree, just water.... Regardless of opinions this product is 100% organic, you can't argue with that and if used during the flowering process produces far better results than not using it and as good if not better results than anything else if your aiming for the biggest yields you can possibly get via organic gardening. I'm trying to pull the absolute maximum amount of A+ quality weight from each plant as I possibly can without using inorganic/synthetic chemicals and elements if this means a plant relying on an unnatural process during flower so be it...
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Guerrilla OP

Active Member
Do you have a grow I can view to see your results without using an organic bloom formula? I'm interested to see what kind of yield your getting?


Well-Known Member
nope, not on this site nor will I ever post a pic are correct that earth juice is 100% organic, but that doesn't mean anything to me...not in the bigger picture...once again...if you do not understand yet that chelates go against the process of nature, than you have lots to learn....or don' lazy and have force fed plants...I choose to let the soil do all the work. as far as yield goes...that is actually somewhat strain dependent you flippin newb, but ill answer yield thus far is 8 1/2 ozs off a five gallon pot of my deathstar...dried and cured... it was one of 12 plants under 2000w eye blue...all in 5 was heaviest in the room that run, but lacked potency. too much energy put towards production even tlo style leads to less potent gotta be at this for a while to get the bigger picture here homie...its about timing, size, soil, love.....lots goes into the bigger picture


Well-Known Member
not here to be argumentative...but you are asking the wrong questions here...that grow came out to just over 5 pounds...under 2000w mh...but whats really important here is knowing that quality suffered cause I was looking for best yield....and that does not equate to most potent...natural or not...this is basic info

Guerrilla OP

Active Member
Would love to see how your pulling 1.13 grams per watt running 20 plants under only 2000 watts and running organically. The best commercial growers around running full synthetic nutes and dialed in are getting only around 1 gram per watt.
I don't really subscribe to all the hippy stuff. I'm into facts, tested methods that provide results and science. I don't believe quality is sacrificed by yield at all if your plant is healthy and getting the nutrients it needs and enviroment is right it will produce the biggest, heaviest best quality product. My area I love is growing the biggest healthiest organic plants possible outdoors and if I'm pulling 0.8-1 gram per watt indoors I'm happy!


Well-Known Member
hey g its all good...didn't mean to be an ass as I was wicked buzzed...that run was 12 plants...and the average yield per plant was little shy of half pound...I used M3 soil with papas perfect poop top dressing and r/o water...biggest yield ive ever had but potency took a hit...the DS strain will put out 2 to 3 pounds per 1000w for many commercial hydro farmers locally...its a super strain in every sense of the word. typical for me and what I expect will be 2 1/2 to 3 lbs dried and cured from 2k just adding water with max potency potential....
again, sorry for commin off agro at all...lots of beers


Well-Known Member
in terms of size of plants...outdoors under the sun is totes different relm...indoors one can easily out grow their space...which is why I only run 6 at a time usually in 7 gallons each. this allows me to be able to keep them 5 1/2 ft tall and spread wide while still being able to move around them freely to rotate daily. much happier plants that way, cause the get much better light all throughout. 12 plus plants in my space causes crowding when they are all raging...and that bit of crowding has an effect on quality..plants just aren't as I guess that's where im commin from wit that statement G OP