First time successful grower and Diluted urine actually did work.

I stumbled across Auxin, which promotes plant growth - present in urine. This lead to The Scientific American's article showing research on growing plants with urine and wood ash. "The beetroots from the urine-and urine/ash–fertilized plants were found to be 10 percent (just urine) and 27 percent (urine and wood ash) larger by mass, respectively, than those grown in mineral fertilizer."

Both web pages are attached.

Worth experimenting with....27% by weight is significant!


I stumbled across Auxin, which promotes plant growth - present in urine. This lead to The Scientific American's article showing research on growing plants with urine and wood ash. "The beetroots from the urine-and urine/ash–fertilized plants were found to be 10 percent (just urine) and 27 percent (urine and wood ash) larger by mass, respectively, than those grown in mineral fertilizer."

Both web pages are attached.

Worth experimenting with....27% by weight is significant!
I've made that too. I save my ashes from my campfire, then mix with pee, stir and store.
Use a 20:1 ratio of water to urine, no stronger. 1qt added to 5 gal bucket, 1/2 cup ash and just a pinch of Epsom salts. Use weekly or biweekly. Once buds start, reduce to a 40:1 ratio of water to urine. 2 cups urine per 5 gal bucket, same ash and Epsom salts. The 40:1 will also boost growth for seedlings from seed. Switch to 20:1 only after four+ mature leaves have shown
I'll bet if your customers knew your secret you would soon have a weed surplus.
Does cow and chicken shit grown weed bother you too? Those two beloved composts are pretty nasty dealing with. But they work. On a much bigger scale, lots of our food is grown with animal waste. We eat so much meat, there is tons of shit the farmers have to get rid of it, and fertilizer is something they can make a buck off of.
My cousin rode a bicycle from Bejing to india about 2 decades ago. At one place he stopped, he needed the toilet. and in broken english/maderine he was told where to go and was given a stick. The shack sat above a pig pen and the stick was to keep the pigs away while he was busy.
We live a very sheltered life. :-)
Just as you wouldn't splash your plants with concentrated plant food, you don't want to put straight pee on them.

Back when I first started growing...I was all organic and used urine regularly. I'd age it a bit...get it really smelly and then I'd mix it with one of my teas. Urea nitrogen is a part of most nute regimens.
My cousin rode a bicycle from Bejing to india about 2 decades ago. At one place he stopped, he needed the toilet. and in broken english/maderine he was told where to go and was given a stick. The shack sat above a pig pen and the stick was to keep the pigs away while he was busy.
We live a very sheltered life. :-)
When Daddy did a walking tour across France in 1944, he said every farmhouse was built basically the same. The people lived on the 2nd floor, the animals on the first floor and there was a big tank in the cellar called a pissory. They collected all the pee, from both human and non human animals.
It is kind of a third world thing...
Yes. And Mars will be utterly posh. It shall come equipped with the most advanced technologies, and all human waste will most likely be disintegrated upon expulsion.

Weed grown on Mars will test in @ >90% active compound by dry weight and generally produce at least 3000% greater yields than that which is grown here on Earth. Terpene & Flavonoid profiles will be too complex for our limited senses and we'll eventually mutate to better savor the experience.

I can't wait. *Sips some piss*
So if your homie grabs one of your girls and see saws it up and down his shit crack , you’re gonna be cool with that ?
Pisses his cheesy dick all over your grow and you relish the thought of tasting his dick piss particles ?

WTF ? ....... don’t piss on your plants you dirty fucks .... jeezus.
So if your homie grabs one of your girls and see saws it up and down his shit crack , you’re gonna be cool with that ?
Pisses his cheesy dick all over your grow and you relish the thought of tasting his dick piss particles ?

WTF ? ....... don’t piss on your plants you dirty fucks .... jeezus.

Ha ha ha ha -
You must be angry stoned, not cool stoned.

When buying your fruit and vegetables:
if it's organic, it's typically grown with cow shit or some kind of manure. Its likely compost is also used, just let your imagination go wild about what's thrown into compost.
If it's grown with chemicals, - DDT was considered safe for and used from 1945 - 1972. I'm sure you can trust the current chemical manufacturers....I don't. Most farmers use animal waste as they don't want to dump it.

Birds fly over fields and shit on the produce we eat.
People, who pick and pack the produce will probably have dirty hands and sweat buckets. It's hard work.
And finally, most fridges, kitchens are covered in 'germs' unless an OCD member of the household with a flit spray filled with DDT.

You're probably brushing your teeth with tiny bits of your own shit. Myth Busters did an episode and USA today have an article about it. (link)

After using the bathroom, 95 percent of people fail to wash their hands long enough to kill harmful bacteria, a new study finds. Researchers also found that only two in three people use soap, while one in 10 skips the sink altogether, and men get much lower marks for hand hygiene than women (link)

I found your response was a little OTT, over the tom, my reply is a light-hearted view of how humans have evolved with pretty robust digestive systems.
I buy bags of manure for my garden and eat the vegetables I grow and it doesn't bother me. But I'm not going to be urinating on my plants. I'm sure it provides nitrogen but I can't be around plants that drink piss.
Thanks for the reply and I totally get that people don't want to piss on their plants. I don't piss on mine either. To make this, fertiliser, you piss in ash and the piss and the ash chemically react and you end up with a mud-like product you could dry in the sun, and then mix with the soil mix when you pot up. It's looks and smells like ash

I'm using fish, blood and bone at the moment mixed with homemade compost that the hens dig through and bought compost.