First time Stinkbud Aeroponics

Hey everyone, this is my second grow and I have a few questions because it is my first time using aeroponics!

I am using two stinkbud singles. I used tap water to germinate two seeds in the net pot lid with neoprene inserts.

1. What is the best way to adjust pH? My current plan to mix nutes w RO water: Turn off pump, mix all the stinkbud recommended nutes into a milk jug, add it to the stinkbud single, and then adjust the pH, and then turn the pump back on. Is this okay? And.. is there an easier way to do this?

2. I have a blue labs truncheon but no pH meter. I bought the general hydroponics ph control kit with pH up pH down and pH tester. I can get it close to 5.8 but not EXACT. Is this okay as well?

3. When can I start adding nutes? They are currently using tap water at 400ppm but will be swapping to RO soon. Should I add nutes when I do this?

Thanks in advance.. I will make a journal once everything is up and running!


Well-Known Member
Erri, I am not a stinkbuddie expert but, here we go.

1) You are going to have water in that milk jug...right? You can pH in the tub and I have (DWC), the roots should be in the bucket, not in the water with that system.
2) I also use the GH dropper kit. Is it ideal? No. Will it work? Yes.
3) I would wait until there are 2-3 sets of real leaves before adding nutes and then go 1/2 strength until the first res change.

Just one mans opinion, take it for what it's worth and good luck!
Thanks for the response.

Btw, how do you guys seal the connection between PVC pipes and your water pump?? i have mine ghetto rigged for the time being lol...


Well-Known Member
I have a barb fitting on the top of the pump and the bottom of the manifold and just slip a piece of hose on them, no leaks.


Active Member
I use half strength nutes for the first week, But i clone in jiffy pellets and once they have roots showing they go into net pots and surrounded with hydroton once they grow out of the pot I add the neoprene pucks.

for now I use ph strips, and the drops.. I check every couple of days add ph up or down as req.

but the meters are on my wish list


Hey, can I ask where you found the plans for the single? I have seen pictures but there is no plans on his site. Cheers

Hey everyone, this is my second grow and I have a few questions because it is my first time using aeroponics!

I am using two stinkbud singles. I used tap water to germinate two seeds in the net pot lid with neoprene inserts.

1. What is the best way to adjust pH? My current plan to mix nutes w RO water: Turn off pump, mix all the stinkbud recommended nutes into a milk jug, add it to the stinkbud single, and then adjust the pH, and then turn the pump back on. Is this okay? And.. is there an easier way to do this?

2. I have a blue labs truncheon but no pH meter. I bought the general hydroponics ph control kit with pH up pH down and pH tester. I can get it close to 5.8 but not EXACT. Is this okay as well?

3. When can I start adding nutes? They are currently using tap water at 400ppm but will be swapping to RO soon. Should I add nutes when I do this?

Thanks in advance.. I will make a journal once everything is up and running!