first time stealth grow need advice!


New Member
Hi all, first time stealth grower here im looking for advice on how to improve my setup and heat control. Im only looking too grow 1 or less than likly 2 autos. Going too use lst also too keep it short. Stealth is a must bef no sound or smell (if someone can throw in ideas for that it would be great)
First off im growing in a kinda small 1'4"D/2'9"H/1'11"W frame wrapped in (dont laugh to hard) white trash bags and cardboard ontop of that to keep light out/in.
Im going to be using cfls and im thinking maybe 2 23 watt 6500k bulbs and 4 23 watt 5000k ones and 2 23 watt 2700k bulbs or 4 23 watt 5000k bulbs with 4 23 watt 2700k. (Is this overkill or not enough?
And for my heat control i want to use 2 pc fans but im not sure if that will be enough or what size fans i should use.
Pics of my box coming up tomorrow sometime.
Advice and constructive critisizm(horrible spelling lol) go go!
Thanks everyone!


It's kinda the right area, you just have to have a little patience. A lot of people like to help but they have lives outside of the hobby.

The next is to read, read and read some more! I've only started and I've learnt so much! Posting picks of our rig helps. It's kinda hard to give advice without anything concrete to look at.

Ive seen some pretty sketchy setups in reading the forums, and outnof everything, I have to say, you get what you out in. I would look for something more stable, pc case, old end table or even ,ake a box out of wood - doesn't have to cost a lot.

Im using a pc so it's smaller than your and I've got 3 x 43w 6500k for veging. I've read where people mix the lights with 2 x 2700K and one 6500k for mor spectrum. The rule of thumb for lights is about 100 true watts per 1 sq ft of space.

Heat and air, there is a actually formula that you can find to help figure out the size fan to use. if you want stealth, dont scrimp on fans, spend a couple of extra bucks to get quiet and the cfms your looking for. The trick you're going to have is safty and ensuring the fans are wired up properly so they don't cause a fire.

From one first time grower to another, patience is a virtue. Take your time, read, ask questions and read some more. More importantly, do everything right and expect failure; but have the courage to try again. You van have the perfect plant during veg, do everything right, give her love - hugs and kisses only to find out she is a he!

Anyway, that's enough of that, I'm sub'n to this one and look forward to seeing your success!
Sound is going to be your biggest obstacle for stealth. Any fan capable of running a carbon filter 24 hours a day makes a good deal of noise. So you have 2 options. Spend a bunch of money on fan speed controller and ducting silencer. Run a high cfm fan at medium to low settings. Thats what im doing now. Its ok if you live alone, but i wouldn't recommend it if you have a lot of people over. 2nd option is to use a pc fan setup with home made carbon filter. There are posts on the forum about it. Ive never done it, but some people have with good results.


New Member
Thanks for all the feed back guys. My box has a solid wooden frame so sturdiness isnt an issue.
I think from what ive been reading 6 23 watt 5000k cfls and 2 23 watt 2700k cfls should be enough for a good start. Im currently on a budget due to being out of work atm.
The fans dont have to be completely silent i just cant have it sound like there is an air conditioner running in it lol

Ill be posting pics maybe sometime tonight or tomorrow morning to help everyone visualize what im working with.


That should give you a good start, just remember, to keep the girls close to the lights - 1 - 2 inches away. If you put your hand between the plant and you're light and you don't feel any heat - not close enough.
I've got three fans (21 cfm each), one is intake at the bottom of my box, and the other two are outtake and are pulling air across the lights. I can hear the hum from about 20 feet away. If that's ok for you than it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the case, you could go with 120 mm fans as they are much quieter than the 80 mm.


New Member

So thats my box and one of my fans. The box isnt done i have to seal everything off still and add fans.

Can anyone tell me what mm this can is it dont say and it dpeant say how many cfm it is stumped lol


Is there a model number on the fan, I can't see because of the glare off the label, I'm sure a quick google search will answer those questions.

Here's the fans I've got:

The box looks good, I'm just not a fan of cardboard. If you're going to use cardboard, please be sure that all your electrical is sound. All the wires are well wrapped and wrapped again. If you can find a piece of starafoam insulation to put on the inside of the box for extra fire safety - not that it will do much, but it could also help keep heat and light in.


Well-Known Member
That looks more like a CPU fan than a case fan. I'm a computer tech and use Tiger Direct on a daily basis, and am using 120 mm case fans for just about all my air flow. Not all 120 mm fans are created equal. On average they move 35 cfm, but there are some that move as much as 85 cfm. The 35 cfm are great to blow on the plants, but are lacking in drawing air out of a larger space, and that's where I use the 85 CFM. Here's a link to a 85 CFM:

It comes with annoying blue LED's on it, just clip the wires going to the lights and you're all set.


That looks more like a CPU fan than a case fan. I'm a computer tech and use Tiger Direct on a daily basis, and am using 120 mm case fans for just about all my air flow.
There's a difference? Sheesh! I double stacks my outgoing, not sure if it does anything but my temps are constant so something is working lol.


New Member

  • That looks more like a CPU fan than a case fan​

thats exactly what it is lol i hope thats ok...its wired up just fine i think. the other fan i have is def a case fan idk what size its not too big though ima look up the specs on both later tonight when i have some down time

just got back from lowes with most of my cfls need 2 more far i have 4 5000k 23 watts and 2 23 watt 2700k....collecting everything slowly but so far im happy with it


Well-Known Member
You will be surprised on how much heat the CFL's will throw.....especially the 100w. I put 4 of them around 2 plants for side-lighting and they heated up a 4x6 room by about 4 degrees. I have nothing to base this next statement by, but from my observations more lower watt bulbs vs. fewer higher watt bulbs will give a better yield. With the lower watt bulbs you don't have to worry as much about light burn, and you can put the lights very close to the plant. strategic placement is key.

Look at the bud-porn pics of CFL grows...the nicest ones have many lower-wattage bulbs instead of 3-4 100 least that's my observation.


New Member
Ok guys i got some good news and bad news...

Good news: my box is finished besides my intake fan wich im doing now.

Bad news: the girlfriend shot down my first box i posted and made me down size just a lil now im using a rubbermaid (30 gal.). My lights are fixed into place and (i havent put a thermomiter in it yet but) its staying nice and cool. And this should make ogonz feel a little better now that its not cardboard and cant just go up in flames xD.

Now i plan on lsting my plant to the side like u would in a pc grow (just a lil taller and bushier) i just need too know what kind of pot to use cause a normal pot is too tall and not wide enough (to suport shrub lile growth not a tree lol) so anyone have any ideas on dementions for the pot i should use?

Thanks for all the imput and help everyone. Pics of the new and final setup coming up here soon


New Member
not what i really wanted but ehh lookin better than i thought and no bulbs in it atm caise im cutting a hole for 1 more fan
Ill update in a few mins with the whole finished thing lights and all


Bad news: the girlfriend shot down my first box i posted and made me down size just a lil now im using a rubbermaid (30 gal.). My lights are fixed into place and (i havent put a thermomiter in it yet but) its staying nice and cool. And this should make ogonz feel a little better now that its not cardboard and cant just go up in flames xD.
Thank you .... lol .... I can now sleep at night .... lol


Now i plan on lsting my plant to the side like u would in a pc grow (just a lil taller and bushier) i just need too know what kind of pot to use cause a normal pot is too tall and not wide enough (to suport shrub lile growth not a tree lol) so anyone have any ideas on dementions for the pot i should use?
You can use a small plastic container, something that is longer and wider than it is high. Instead of the roots growing down, they grow lengthwise. just make sure you rig something that you can use to easily lift the tray out of the bin to LST and maintain.