First Time, So Far So Good?


Active Member
Well I live with a guy who grows pretty big time, but legally licensed. All of his stuff is hydroponically grown. And well my friend and I one night after getting really blazed, decided we should try to grow a plant, so we put all the seeds we had together which was only 2 at the time, and germinated them.

Its been about a week or 2 and here is what we have now:

The plant on the left is still in the "Pellet Soil" and the plant on the right was switched to our own soil mixture which contains 50% of Miracle Grow and 50% Pearlite.

The one on the left just started to really grow to that length, but the one on the right stopped growing much after we switched it's soil. Could this mean the plant is in shock from the switch?

And just wanting your guys opinions, will this light work well for growing 2 - 4 plants? :

And when do you think we should switch these 2 plants into bigger pots?

Oh and right now I'm just using a simple house florescent light bulb. We are thinking of purchasing that light I showed you in the link next week.

Any opinions or thoughts would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you guys


Well-Known Member
check the roots, they will tell you when they need a transplant
(when u pop them out of the cup and see roots wrapping everywhere wityh nowhere to go) this happens really fast..


Active Member
Ok I placed the light closer, it was about 3 - 4 ft away, I placed it now about half a foot away now, is this more desirable?


New Member
get the other light, jesus, looks like you could shove the light up those plants ass and it wouldnt help. sssstttttrrretched


Well-Known Member
No big deal right now, to fix fill up your cup with more soil cuz when the leaves get bigger it will fall over from being too heavy, make sure you have a fan blowing on your babies to make the stem stronger, and now that your light is closer should not have a stretching problem anymore, other than that lookin good.


Active Member
get the other light, jesus, looks like you could shove the light up those plants ass and it wouldnt help. sssstttttrrretched
I wouldn't go that far, but they do look stretched, put your lights closer, like 2 or 3 inches from the plants, also you could add a lil dirt to support the plant if it starts to lean from stretching, either way good luck and post lots of photos so we can help where we see you could do something to improve.:weed: