First time shroom grow log :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks spida for the plus rep, your my boy. That other duesh still lurks, be carful, dont look at him wrong, he might neg rep you! (he probably has a extremly small dick)


Well-Known Member
Well at least you birthed a couple jars man...put some pics up bro!
and yeah your log did turn to a blog....about anything and everything! lol


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing. I'd love to see how this turns out. My apologies on hi-jacking.


Well-Known Member
any update bro. been waiting along with ya....i'll b starting soon too. my heads spinning with all the info i've been reading. the cakes seem to b the way to go, at least to start. b nice to eventually fruit in a bathtub. puff puff


Active Member
BRF was the most fun... Casings were too much of a pain in the arse where I live, but damn the yeild was nice.. Great growing so far.. Post some pics.. :) Brings back good times... Cheers on your babies...
