First time setup


Long time lurker, first time poster.

Thanx to the info from this site, I plan on starting my first grow soon. Here is my rough idea of what im currently planning on building to start. I have a few questions specific to this grow so all help and any comments would be greatly appreciated.

I tried to insert the image directly but would not work! Please visit to see my MSPaint "blueprint".

Grow system: A DWC bucket would be used with an attached SCROG net. For this grow I plan on doing only 1 plant. Not sure if I would actually scrog since this is my first time. Also, if you notice in the illustration I have a control bucket attached to it in the other side of the cabinet. This would be used for a few reasons, one to top up the water/nutrients easier. Also would be used to help keep temperatures where they need to be. My question is how accurate would reading the control bucket to test PH, TDS etc to get readings on the main bucket, as there is only 1 hose connected? Should 2 hoses be used and something to circulate?

Cab: I plan on getting a 2-door, split section cabinet/armoire about 40-48" wide, 20" or so depth and 70" height. I will modify it for light proofing, add mylar, etc.

Lighting: Here im not too sure of. Im leaning towards a 400w MH/HPS since I already have a ballast and reflector to do so. I was also thinking of dropping it down to a 250w setup since it will only be 1 plant. Other options im weighing are a 2ft, 4 tube t5 light with 2-4 single 2ft t5's mounted on the walls. And the other option, LED. I would get probably a 90w UFO and possible supplemental LEDs or CFL's mounted around.

Ventilation: In any case, a 170-200cfm inline fan will be used to cool the reflector(if used) and for the carbon filter(will this be enough for smell?). There will be passive intake vents on the floor, since this will be raised about 2in off the floor(by design) and maybe add some baffling underneath to make it more light proof. In the illustration you will notice I have the inline fan venting into the other side of the cabinet. This will ad as a buffer where I MIGHT add an ozone generator as im PARANOID about the smell. On the bottom of that side of the cabinet will be 2-3 PC fans exhausting all of the air out.

The cab will be placed about 8 feet from a window which will have one of those dual exhaust fans running at all times. In the room I can also put an air purifier that has a(crappy) carbon filter and hepa filter, just to act as a final buffer before being exhausted outside.

So thats what im working with so far. Again, please, ideas or comments! Thanx


Well-Known Member
Since you already have the ballast and reflector, I would keep and use the 400w light for your grow. If you do use the 400w, then I would really think about getting a 6" inline fan to run a cool tube and carbon filter. I personally don't think a 200CFM fan will be enough IMO. What carbon filter are you looking at? Phresh Filters are really the shit, so I would look into them. No smell. Good luck with your build!


I haven't yet looked into carbon filters but if the general concensus is that phresh work well then that's what I'll go with. Also, I have a 265cfm squirrell cage fan, it's 4 inch but I could use a reducer.

So a phresh filter is more then enough for 1 plant? Ozone generator would be overkill?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, definitely an Ozone generator would be overkill. A Phresh Filter will do everything that you need for 1 plant and more. Here is a link to Greners:

Also you don't want to use a squirrel cage for your carbon filter or a cool tube. Definitely look into at least a 4" inline fan, but again my recommendation is a 6" for a 3x3 with a cool tube and carbon filter. Since you are only growing 1 plant, a 4" might just suffice though.


Also you don't want to use a squirrel cage for your carbon filter or a cool tube. Definitely look into at least a 4" inline fan, but again my recommendation is a 6" for a 3x3 with a cool tube and carbon filter. Since you are only growing 1 plant, a 4" might just suffice though.
How come no squirrell cage fan for carbon filter or cooling?