First time seeing a problem with my plants!!

The plants look green and healthy but have a few leaves starting to look wrinkled, soft, and starting to cup!! Ive looked all over the net searching for a Nute Deficiency problems but no luck:confused:!! it might be something else but there are no signs of bugs at all!!

can someone help!!

Plant Stats:
what kind of plant are unknown!:neutral:
62 days since sprout
18/6 hrs of light
Happyfrog soil
Age Old Grow Nutes 12-6-6
6.5 ph
70- 80 degree temp
40-60 humidity


Active Member
They look pretty good to me, if the leaves are curling it could be nute burn/heat stress but there are probably many things it could be..

Got any pics of the problem?


Active Member
I dunno, most of the plant looks nice and healthy tho - I wouldn't worry too much about it. Post another thread in a week if the problem persists.
Yea!! They are small for their age. This is my first grow and still learning the ropes on growing under a budget. my light source was 2-4' shoplights with 40watt daylight florecent bulbs but one of the ballast had burned out on one of them from old age so im down to one. its all i have right now.

These plants are from a mix bag of seeds a friend gave to me. I wanted to plant and see how far i can get them to grow and maybe even flower. but i think im doing ok for now, just trying to get a feel at figuring out problems the plants tell me!!


Well-Known Member
Yea they're rather small for their age. But health looking none the less. As for the leaf problem, I wouldn't worry to much about it. To me it looks like it could have been caused by a slight PH swing. Bit if nothing else happens I wouldn't worry at all.
very nice looking plants!!! Are you using the ufo lights to grow those monsters!! been thinking on getting the 4" T5 they sell for gowing but havent seen one i like or the right price!!


yep two 90w led tri band ufos and one 400w mh going to flower in a few days with the ufos and a 360w hps one ballast for both mh/hps ffof 3 gal pots.


those are 62 days? If so you should re-plant in a sterile meduim like sunshine 4 with a low nute (300-400) and only water when the soil is dry (about once per week in 3 gallon pot for that size plant during veg)
ha ha!! what are the chances meeting someone only 30-40 miles away on a Canabis forum (very slim to me!!) Hey WhiteRhino how are things in the Springs??