First time poster with a fertilizer question.


Active Member
What's up dudes? This is my first time posting here, and i had a question regarding fertilizer.

This is my first time growing, and obviously my first time using fertilizer (fox farm grow big) . Thing is, i'm hella confused at how to use it . When it says one teaspoon per gallon, does that mean that i'm supposed to mix that in with a gallon of water, or does it mean one teaspoon per gallon of the pot size? (newb question of the year lol)

And if its one teaspoon per gallon of water, what do i do if my plants only require 1/3 of a gallon of water each? (BTW, i'm growing Afghan Kush x 3, if anyone is curious) Thanks in advance!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU.. I'm a first-time grower too, learned a shit-load from this site; you will too.

It's tsp per gallon of water. For a 1/3 gallon, you need a 1/3 tsp.. you could estimate it, but that's risky. Beware that a measured teaspoon is NOT THE SAME as a "teaspoon" that you use to stir your coffee; some are bigger, some smaller. I would go to your nearest mega-mart and get a set of measuring spoons for cooking. They're cheap, and usually have a bunch of sizes down to 1/8 tsp all in one cluster of spoons.

You might want to post about your setup to get a little more info. What soil are you using, light etc. If you're using a pre-fertilized commercial soil, you don't want to add anything to it for at least the first month. If not, you still don't want to add anything for at least the first two weeks -- MJ seedlings use their own internal nutrients carried forward from the seed first. Lastly, I believe the Kush strains have a strong sativa streak in them -- sativa plants have finer physical features, take longer to mature, and don't use as much nutrients as indica-dominants. And when fertilizing any MJ plant, start with no more than 1/2 of the recommended dose -- this will assure you don't damage your plants, and some long-time growers say the plant actually increases its ability to use nutrients over time as it gets accustomed to them.


Active Member
Thanks Kriegs:lol:

On to the grow room setup:
600 watt MH( with hps saved for flowering)
Fox farm ocean forest soil
using distilled water
temp around 75-80
all my plants are just about 8 inches tall, are currently in 5 gallon buckets, and were planted exactly 29 days ago


Well-Known Member
What's up dudes? This is my first time posting here, and i had a question regarding fertilizer.

This is my first time growing, and obviously my first time using fertilizer (fox farm grow big) . Thing is, i'm hella confused at how to use it . When it says one teaspoon per gallon, does that mean that i'm supposed to mix that in with a gallon of water, or does it mean one teaspoon per gallon of the pot size? (newb question of the year lol)

And if its one teaspoon per gallon of water, what do i do if my plants only require 1/3 of a gallon of water each? (BTW, i'm growing Afghan Kush x 3, if anyone is curious) Thanks in advance!:mrgreen:
Be sure to use the tri pack of nuits from fox farms and follow recommended dosages..(Big Grow, Big Bloom & Tiger Bloom) Here is the soil recommended schedule bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kriegs:lol:

On to the grow room setup:
600 watt MH( with hps saved for flowering)
Fox farm ocean forest soil
using distilled water
temp around 75-80
all my plants are just about 8 inches tall, are currently in 5 gallon buckets, and were planted exactly 29 days ago
Nice... sounds like a good setup. At 29 days, you probably are at a stage where added nutes will help, but it's not a certainty so proceed carefully. When are you planning to start flowering? Sativas shoot up big-time when you go into flowering, just FYI.

I'm using the Foxfarm nutes Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. My plants loved the Grow Big... I started w/ GB at 1/2 recommended dose and went up to full strength.. worked great. Then switched to Tiger Bloom at full strength when flowers appeared... they DID NOT LIKE THAT at all! The leaf tips started dying immediately. The key thing in all of it is... always read the plants and take their advice over the label advice on any nutrient bottle!!:blsmoke:

Good luck!! Throw up some pics if you're inclined.


Active Member
Hey kriegs i got all the same fox farm nutes!! love em! super easy to use. but have you ever tried anything with the solubles, open sesame beastie bloomz and cha ching. I havent but maybe next time around. im at day 27 just started feeding on sun, otherwise all just soil and h20!! 2 ladies 13in tall massive indica bushes lil wilting but i just overdid the water pretty sure. ill have pics soon


Well-Known Member
Hey kriegs i got all the same fox farm nutes!! love em! super easy to use. but have you ever tried anything with the solubles, open sesame beastie bloomz and cha ching. I havent but maybe next time around. im at day 27 just started feeding on sun, otherwise all just soil and h20!! 2 ladies 13in tall massive indica bushes lil wilting but i just overdid the water pretty sure. ill have pics soon
Nope.. I have not. I'm a little agnostic on all these claims and "special products", so I try to keep it simple. I'm sure the FF solubles are good products, but probably not anymore so than the liquids.

You going into flower yet? I put mine on 12/12 when they were about 15" -- they shot up to 32-36" in a little over a week. I had heard that on RIU but, having not experienced it, didn't give it much thought. I have the headroom, so no biggee, but when they get that tall it gets tough to keep the lower part of the plant healthy... just food for thought.

Also, if you're still on 18/6 or whatever, watch for a big cut-down in your plants' water use when you go 12/12. I went from almost daily watering to every 2-3 days when I made the switch, and now back to daily with the increased plant size (more plant = more water = more nutes = more light... everything..)


Active Member
I actually don't know when i'll start flowering. It just sucks, riding it out, cause i live in an area where everyone smokes, but they don't share tokes :cuss:

I've read everywhere though that this strain in particular is a fast grower, so should i start flowering soon? Like, let's say, within 2 weeks? It's not like i'm trying to pull half a pound off each of these suckers, but i don't want to end up with a bowls worth on each plant lol.


Well-Known Member
Oh, man... nothing to worry about. Start flowering yesterday... Sativas will grow you out of house and home size-wise when you go to flower. My plants are from bagseed that my old-school sense of smell and stone says sativa all the way (been tokin' since 1976).. they went from 15" to 44" right now in 3 weeks. And I started flowering right about where you're at. Trust me, dude, you're gonna get a whole lot more than a bowl's worth... !!!:weed: I have at least a half-ounce dry-weight on each of my plants, and they're just pickin' up steam.

Hear ya' about the sharing thing. I moved to a new area a few years ago.. what a fucked up weed culture here compared to other places I've lived, which is everywhere 'cept the desert southwest US. I've never struggled to get good weed anywhere but here, a place which should have dope of every variety. People share tokes here, which is better than nothing and the weed is usually good ... but they're territorial assholes about their connections. Ask to share a connection and it's "..yeah, sure, dude!"... followed by "aw, man, .. I forgot.." followed by [I'm avoiding you completely now 'cuz I know I'm being a dick... and I know you know it, too].

So imagine how much of my beautiful, perfectly timed, perfectly cured sinse do you think they're gonna see...? Or I may just turn the tables and give it away. :cool:


Active Member
That sucks about those people screwing you over like that man. Fuck em:finger:

Anyway, i got great news today. Some close friends of our family called me up and asked me to come see something "special". So we head down there, and low and behold, they had an 1/8th of blueberry! I mean, not only is free weed awesome, but i've never had any mj with a "title" before. Couple that with an all-you-can-eat chinese buffet nearby:shock:.... i've got a hell of a weekend coming up lol


Well-Known Member
That sucks about those people screwing you over like that man. Fuck em:finger:

Anyway, i got great news today. Some close friends of our family called me up and asked me to come see something "special". So we head down there, and low and behold, they had an 1/8th of blueberry! I mean, not only is free weed awesome, but i've never had any mj with a "title" before. Couple that with an all-you-can-eat chinese buffet nearby:shock:.... i've got a hell of a weekend coming up lol
Aww, man, it's all good really -- that's what inspired me to grow my own. It was initially an angry response.. I quickly realized that this is something I really love to do. So, they all did me a favor after all...

Blueberry... nice... heard of it, never seen it. But, I do have a "boutique" connection thru a relative about 4 hours drive from where I live -- I get most anything else I want ... skunk, Thai, Cali, haze, and about 5 diff. kinds of hash. So that will hold me over until my own comes thru.. Cheers!