First time PC Build/Grow


Well-Known Member
regardless of qual. of pics .nice job so far. im a lil further along than you but im in a stacked rubbermaid grow.i went from a closet to totes and i thought i was cramped,pc grows r cool as hell to watch.ill take a seat.


Well-Known Member
regardless of qual. of pics .nice job so far. im a lil further along than you but im in a stacked rubbermaid grow.i went from a closet to totes and i thought i was cramped,pc grows r cool as hell to watch.ill take a seat.
Thanks, lol I've seen some nice rubbermaid grows, you got a journal going?


Well-Known Member
LoL, I remember when I was first starting to take pics!! You will learn, when there small like the take them from the top looking down. that give you more of an idea. Lookin good though, you should start seeing some really nice growth soon!


Well-Known Member
LoL, I remember when I was first starting to take pics!! You will learn, when there small like the take them from the top looking down. that give you more of an idea. Lookin good though, you should start seeing some really nice growth soon!
Yeah starting to see more and more growth each day..


Well-Known Member
Hey all took a couple pics of the little one a little bit ago. The new growth has grown quite a bit, it warmed up here a bit so I'm having to leave the side of the case open for now.

Well here are a few pics, I hope there to everyones viewing standard :).. lol



Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, the little one had a good amount of growth from the center over night. Should be seeing more and more of that explosive growth now that its going into the second week from sprout.
You will for sure see a good amount of growth in the next week or 2!!


Active Member
i like the hinted sarcasm in that one :P
but yeah they're lookin good :)
have a pic of the outside of the case to see its lightproofness and general size etc.?


Well-Known Member
i like the hinted sarcasm in that one :P
but yeah they're lookin good :)
have a pic of the outside of the case to see its lightproofness and general size etc.?
lol Yeah sorry for being a dick yesturday, was in a crappy mood.. Um well it isn't light proof yet, granted no light in but some light comes out the intake and exhaust. I have something on them to keep light out but doesn't keep light in, so a little bit of light shines out. Now once I get the money to get a carbon filter on the exhaust and just a dust filter on the intake, it will most likely be all I need to make it completely light proof. Once that happens I'll take some pictures.

Nice looking baby plant there monko. nice and green!
Thanks, there in a 6in clay pot so I'm watering about every other day. Been spraying a fine mist of water on the leaves once a day (no nutes just water).

Temps got up here today and since the a/c has already been taken out even with the window open my house was 80F so I had to keep the door off for the day. Since door was off I took my box fan and turned it on low and kinda turned it that way.
Leaves are still green but they kinda twisted just a bit, does this sound odd or just normal from the air blowing on it?

Thanks to all that are following, I'm sure within the next week it will explode with growth :) (or at least I hope lol).


Well-Known Member
could be heat stress or even ph issues. do you have a way to check your ph?
No PH soil tester yet, and I don't think its heat stress (been basicly same temps with lights on since grow started). They just kinda started turning a bit after I put a fan blowing on it, wasn't a hard blowing fan had it on low and back a little ways.

nice looking plant there MoNk0 Very Green

Check out my bagseed grow
Thanks for stopping in, I will check it out

Well I took the fan off of them about 2hrs ago to see if that was what was causing them to twist slightly, and already they are kinda flattening back towards the light again.


Active Member
lol Yeah sorry for being a dick yesturday, was in a crappy mood.. Um well it isn't light proof yet, granted no light in but some light comes out the intake and exhaust. I have something on them to keep light out but doesn't keep light in, so a little bit of light shines out. Now once I get the money to get a carbon filter on the exhaust and just a dust filter on the intake, it will most likely be all I need to make it completely light proof. Once that happens I'll take some pictures.

Thanks, there in a 6in clay pot so I'm watering about every other day. Been spraying a fine mist of water on the leaves once a day (no nutes just water).

Temps got up here today and since the a/c has already been taken out even with the window open my house was 80F so I had to keep the door off for the day. Since door was off I took my box fan and turned it on low and kinda turned it that way.
Leaves are still green but they kinda twisted just a bit, does this sound odd or just normal from the air blowing on it?

Thanks to all that are following, I'm sure within the next week it will explode with growth :) (or at least I hope lol).
awh no prob mate we all have those days :)

and with the fan issue, i dont think its too much of a problem unless it continues another couple of days, they could be getting used to the new pressure on its stem. phototropism should make it undoubtably stronger :)


Well-Known Member
Looks healthy, now you just have to keep it that way for the next 3 months :mrgreen:
Lol yeah I know, wish I had the money to get the tools I need. (PH meters and what not)


Well snapped a few more photos of the little one today. The leaves curling down makes me wonder a bit, but its still growing fast so I'll just keep an eye on it.

