First Time Outdoor Grower Needs Help!


Active Member
:-? Ok...this is my first plant it has been growing since april and it is flowering. I have looked at other pictures and mine looks alot smaller and spread out than most. I have about 11 little flowers on the tips of the stems around the plant. The tricombs are still mostly white and not very full but it has been flowering for about 3 weeks....what do I do to get it to be more full and start to bud. And when do I harvest it...its been almost 4 months. The plant is about 2-3 feet tall. Please help. Thank You.:-?


Uses the Rollitup profile
She is just starting to flower, you've got a couple months to go. Those white things are not the trichomes, they are pistils, also called hairs, and they will eventually wither and turn red or brownish. The trichomes are the tiny mushroom-shaped resin sacks that will be lining the flowering parts.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
oh....I sqeezed the top where there are lots of pistils and it is sticky and stinky...i figured the top was ready to be cut...I just cant doesnt seem to be changing much.