first time outdoor grow :)

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
okay guys . . my mom just broke into my closet and demolished my plants . . fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck . . fuck n bitch . . .fuck fuck . . . .

okay . . lol . . i live in washington . . vancouver . . and its just the start of sprong pretty soon so i think im right in time or pretty close . . . . can i grow in my area?> outside . .

and damn my plants were so big in my closet . . im so upset even right now . . im so sad

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
been there done that.. LOL.... give your mom a hug and tell her you love her.. you can't win that battle.. so don't make it a battle.. just my advice..

sorry about your loss.. dont let it turn into ANGER or hate..



Well-Known Member

you can grow anywhere outside just find what plant works best for your location. look on the internet or go to a local headshop.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
yeah . . im not gonna grow inside til i move out . . the pain from losing those plants was just too much to risk to feel the same again . . . . . im so depressed . .those plants were my source of happiness and my so called mom ripped them away . . but whatever .. i guess this means its just me and the great out doors now . . haha . . yeah i will have to find out how to grow outside . . because i know nothing about it right now . . the last few months i have just been studying on how to grow inside .. so it will be interesting on how much different things will be . . any links to sites that would tell me step by steps would be nice . . if anyone had any?>


Well-Known Member
I'm struggling right now to i know what u feel like. I'm going trew a short period of famine without weed,


Well-Known Member
damn that sucks dude. I feel your pain man, when i was in high school still my dad's girlfriend found out i was selling weed and broke into my room and stole $2,000 and 2 ounces from me. She gave the money back a couple of days later when she cooled off but the fucking bitch kept the weed.


Well-Known Member
But growing outdoors is way easier as long as u can keep them watered. Mother nature will take care of everything:mrgreen: good luck man.


Active Member
ya i have been there my self. i had a plant of lavender and some whitwiddow. the parentals at the time gutted my grow place. but i have started my first outdoor adventure this year. so ill let you kno how they do.