first time out...


hello people...
this is my first try growing, so i'll tell u all how it started...i got 10 seeds of northern lights#5 X skunk#1 X haze and sprouted them at the beginning of may...9/10 were good and i put them in coconut fibre pots and miracle grow...for the first month they were out in a garden getting 9 hours of sun a day...i had to move them from the garden and decided to try a grow in a nearby ravine-type situ...all 9 went in but i started having probs...first aphids and snails which safers seemed to take care of but then the plants were regularly getted dug up by animals...which type i have no idea but the soil around the plant base was messed with and sometimes the whole plant was out of the ground...i lost 2 so i decided to risk it and take them to my balcony...pulling them out was nasty and getting them to the balcony was messier...

they were in small temp pots and now they've been moved to 4.5/5 gal ones 'cept for 2 and for those i'm waiting to the flowering to find out if a couple in the big pots are males or not...but here they are getting 6 hours of morning sun and 4/7 seem to have transitioned quite well with the others being either genetics or just too much traumatized...

i'm using camelgrowjoe's the shitz for nutes and do that every other watering or 1 every 4 days...

i have a question about the sun and their orientation...due to 1 side only being exposed to the sun, should i rotate the pots...?

any comments/suggestions welcome...

(oh yah...awesome site and i decided to register after hitting a thread where some1 noted the join date of 1 of the posters was 1969...turns out that the poster was the head honcho...and farther down it was brought that to this guys yah...he's the head honcho and can do watever he wants...:clap: )



i'm wondering 'bout the flowering's 9 weeks since they sprouted and i still don't know which are fems...and about the light outdoor different from inside 12/12, cause outside doesn't get 12/12 until middle of september...very n00b here, any info at all is much appreciated...

see wat i'm doing to get replies to my thread...

pic gives an idea of the 1 side getting the sun...



Well-Known Member
Holy shit bro where are you growing!? Is that a separate balcony next to yours with a clear view of your plants? Lol, just an observation!

That aside, the plants look real good man nice and green not drooping or yellowing or browning tips! Youre doing hella good for your first time bro. I get kinda the same thing with the sun on one side and my plants just lean out and reach towards where the light is, I dont think its too big a deal I figure all the natural light they can get is better than all the artificial light they would get inside, they still look very percky and green!

Keep it up man once you start growing it all just sorta comes together on its own!


Member balcony is a little old spanish lady that has it fortified for birds etc...she's too old and small to lean over...and i haven't seen her in like the 2+ years i've been here...

was reading about molasses and just went to the grocery store and got some...2 plants have distinct white hairs and a third i can barely see i think the going to 12/12 is good (actually 11/13)...the 3 females plants are about 20"+ with another that is healthy but not showing any sex, it also has grown asymmetrically from the start with a couple of leaves not even being serrated...i'll post pics tomorrow when they come out of the closet...


Active Member
Yow! Yeah, your growing location is daring, my friend. That's ballsy! I guess nobody can really see them from down below, so heck, why not. Props to you, good sir!

If your plants are getting lopsided because of the angle of light, just rotate them. All plants naturally reach for the light, so they should straighten themselves out if you rotate them every now and then. Not that it makes a whole lot of difference, though, they look absolutely magnificent! Epic first grow, good sir.


Well-Known Member
You should tie them over too. I would say just tie them back away from the balcony to keep them a little more out of sight and allow more light to lower branches. just a thought :)


well to day is day 63 of flowering...1 plant i chopped about 4 days ago 'cause i noticed some of the buds had clusters of brown leaves, but as i understand now that is not really bad...i have about a 15x magnifier and couldn't really detect much amber, but i smoked a couple of the small buds and they taste really good, very kefir-like and the high distinct in terms of cerebral...question is about the plants in pics below...

as you can see they have lost all the fan leaves, but on 1 plant really shows amber...the pistals are 80% brown and according to some that is a good time to chop, but how long can they go in this's hard to see the amber trichs so there may be more than i am detecting...

