First time not sure of problems!!!


Active Member
Im a first time grower and the plants im growing are looking good except for one. I use a 7500k gro light and there in MG moisture control soil. The one looks great but the other is looking..well im not sure Also i planted these about 40 days ago and they seem to be growing slow....normal?? The roots on smaller plant are bigger than plant itself...pots there in now were repoted about a week ago Anyone can help me out would be appreciated. Thanks



Active Member
Here is the way they are setup everyday since i put them in bigger pots....water every other day or when soil is getting "crusty"....I hope the pic is clear enough....i do take them outside sometimes on sunny days and give them couple of hrs of good sunshine



Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go with your overwatering them. If the top seems dry doesn't always mean all the soil it dry, a good way to check is to go by the weight of your pots.


Active Member
What is was thinking too....i do the weight of the pots give them about a cup each time. I did notice that some of the leaves on the smaller one was turning yellow i wasnt sure if that was over watering or plant kick extra nutrients to leaves. First time ever doing this


New Member
IMO you stresses them out probably from transplanting and slowed them down all together from growin i would just let them dry out a bit make sure ph is around 6.5 - 6.8 the yellowing could very well be plant needing to take energy to kick start itself to growing again ;et it dry out and give it light does of food next watering should rebound back soon


Well-Known Member
Run enough water thru them until it's coming out the bottom of your pots, I was just posting about this on another thread where the guys couldn't figure out what what going on with his clones. For some reason I have found it best after transplanting to water the soil REALLY well. Don't know the exact scientific reason why this happens but my guess is the has something to do with roots and oxygen. This happens to my clones sometimes and after a really good watering they always resume vigorous growth


Active Member
It has been about 2 weeks since i posted last and now my plant is showing signs of gender i believe. I am hoping again that someone can be helpful on this. I do see what looks like a ball growing but cant tell i havent started to flower yet. What do you guys think? Is signs of gender? Think im ready for flowering??

Have been looking on here plenty for info...first grow just want it to be good :)image.jpegimage(1).jpeg
those balls you see look like the more of new growth you was waiting on! to early to tell sex you might have to wait till you put in flower at 12/12 lighting to know. also there is so much more you can do to those plants like topping is an easy thing on your first grow to get more bud. look into some of these techniques like lst,topping or fimming, super cropping and later on scrog. all these can really significantly increase your yield in a small area grow space or outside! bag seed is great to experiment with! when to put in flower depends mostly on the height of you grow space if not doing any of the mentioned methods to keep smaller most would say around 4 weeks but as you stated already it was 40 days in before but i say the growth was so stunted for a minute that i would go back a couple weeks and pretend there only 3 weeks old. when they get around 1/4 of you grow space height turn lights out and make sure they are in complete darkness for around 24-36 hours then cut them on with 12 on and 12 off. this will greatly reduce the time converting to flower as if you just flip the 12/12 switch. this lets them reboot and start out fresh straight into flower instead of just flipping the switch to 12/12 which can take up to a week or more for them to realize the light cycle has even been changed! also when ready to harvest make sure 75-80% of your pistil hairs that you will notice if they are female that come out are amber/red then cut lights off for 36 hours of dark this makes them think they are done for the growing season and winter is approaching and put all their last efforts and reserves into bud and thc development.


Active Member
Many people take their plants outside, but my personal experience with that turned into a massive bug infestation in my grow room. I would not recommend it.


Active Member
It is being grown inside for sure. Let it go for another few days then change light cycle, hopefully its a girl!!!