First Time NL Auto, Need Help!!!


First try at NL Auto's and I need some help. Pics are 2 days after planting.

I have 4 CFL 26W, about 6 inches away, temps are 75f steady. Lights are on 24/0 for now. Should I go to 20/4?, only problem is temps may go to mid 60's F. in the dark, basement ambient temp is cooler, so I dont want to shock them.

With Auto's do I wait till they show sex and then switch to HPS and stay at 20/4 till done. All this auto stuff is new to me. I have done NL Fem. with excellent results with the same setup. Any help would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Your going to need more light. Auto-flowers are a long-day plant. They don't really need a dark period. Unless you want to duplicate a Siberian summer. The cooler temps are ok it will make them hardy (50's) at the lowest.


Well-Known Member
I started out using cfls.deff move em closer like an inch or two awbay and try to.make an enclosed reflective area to get the moat out of ur lights id put 4 26 watters around each plant I usex 200 watts for 4 plants in veg was kinda slow

Po boy

Well-Known Member
go as u said 20/4 will be fine. i like this strain and love the hi = have grown many of them. excellent yields and smooth smoke. generally, they are low odor while growing. GL


Thanks for the info.

When should i switch to the HPS, and do I just keep them on 20/4 till they mature after going to the HPS? I will LST them also.

Peace bongsmilie


2 weeks and girls look good, one is kickin ass...the short one will be bushy...

2 weeks 24/0 under 2 5000k 105w CFL's, now going 20/4 under HPS


Peace :joint: