First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)


Well-Known Member
Water till a little drain off is achieved (water....wait.....water....should be good) then you know soil is soaked and ALWAYS let it dry completely... if using coco/cocoblend the soil may even crack... perfect water till runoff again. Watch out for over watering and I suggest learning dry weight vs wet weight (by feel).... then you always know how dry they are for sure. Small cab for anything but a 12/12 from seed cola.... BUT check out Luigi's thread, amazing results with small space!


Thanks a TON for the replies,

I'll check and see how they are on Sunday, then give'em a flush, let it dry, then give them a small amount of nutes.

I'll probably get a chance to post some more pics Sunday or Monday.

I also picked up some ONA gel equivalent for the smell, and also some Dinafem Critical Jack Autos to start out at some point. I might finish the Cheese outside if I can rig up some wire around them to keep the bunnies out :D, and then start a couple Critical Jackettes in my growbox. The Seedbank gave two Blue Widow seeds with them as well as a bonus so I might set up one outside from seed to see how she does.

Thanks for the tips on feeling the weight of the pots -- I'll start doing that for sure!

Have a great weekend folks!