first time journal


Well-Known Member
it was 12 years since the last time i had shrooms and a buddy and i sat in the back yard last night untill 5 this morning. I have no clue how many we ate but that was wild. I was fucking rolling. GREAT VISUALS honestly I dont even know where to begin. at sunset the colors were very vivid, but what held my attention for most of the evening was the heat lighting above the tree line behind the house ( i was peaking). peacefully. and even though it was dark, I was still seeing colors. We where both impressed and smiling laughing enjoying the ride.....good times.......also cake #4 will be birthed today...sometime. I havent sleep yet. thanks to everyone for their advice on this grow.


Well-Known Member
1,2and 3 and on 2nd running a lil slow ate some off of #4 still some to pick #5 is ready and the print was uncovered for like 20 sec give it a day or 2 and its ready for the mail....still have to shoot up 12 jars pf cake and 3 wbs jars. Other than that everything is good.........



Well-Known Member
niiice...theres nothing quite like a good trip with visuals, i think you got lucky with the heat lightening, that sounds insane.
i feel like its been about 12 years since i last tripped.
+rep for growing, consuming, and tripping off your own shrooms


Well-Known Member
thanks jgg. have you been able to get a few things together yet for your grow? check craigslist for a pressurecooker/canner. you might be able to save a few bucks. im gearing up for bulk. still havent slept but going to get oven cooking bags. Journal #2 coming soon......... :)


Well-Known Member
no i got some great weed yesterday and ive been :eyesmoke: since but im making a list and ill get out sometime this weekend maybe.
ill be looking for that journal.:peace:


Well-Known Member
a care package... anyone see anything I forgot ?? there a spore print, loaded spore syringe, gloves, tyvek...thats a good start....



Well-Known Member
nash how do i make one of these bulk bags? i didnt see anything @ i have " turkey size" over bags, tyvek, wbs, and silicone. thanks


Well-Known Member
1. cut a small hole in an oven bag, ~1.5in diameter
2. on the outside of the bag, put a ring of silicone around the hole
3. press a section of tyvek onto the silicone over the hole, this is the air port
4. put a dag of silicone in the center of the tyvek, this is the injection site
5. weight out your grain and water
6. pressure cook
7. innoculate
8. colonize
9. spawn/case
10. be happy

i found

my filter patches are fragile, i tape them up after i pressure cook. i use autoclave bags, but oven bags work fine.


Well-Known Member
yes or you could case in a pan (more sureface area) Im going to case it w/something from the hydro store, just not sure what yet. suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I think I read somewhere that the smaller mushrooms are the more potent ones.

Yeh ya did. I did too. Its in like every PF-Tek guide saying that aborts are more potent if they do not go bad before you pluck them.

Here some info -

Taken from The Shoomery's PF-Tek Guide -

"Some of the first mushrooms to form are "aborts" (convoluted caps, gnarly stems and stunted growth), and ironically they are primo in magic alkaloids. They are even more powerful in magic than the stately beauties that will soon dominate the cake. The tiny "baby mushroom" aborts are likewise good. After witnessing the growth of the fungus, recognition of these aborts is easy. As long as the aborts are healthy and pure, they are primo. Also, another form of mutants will manifest, blobs of fungus with little or no cap, also good for harvesting. And along with these mutants, appear the perfect specimens, the sporocarps.

It has been reported that Psilocybe cubensis is a "weak" mushroom. PF and others have seen this to be not necessarily so. It all depends on how it is grown, on what medium and how it is harvested and preserved.

The secret to potent mushrooms is in their age when picked. It has been scientifically proven that the small immature specimens are significantly more potent than the larger mature specimens. Over half of the small primordia that first form will abort (cease growing, convolute and deform). Pick these before their heads turn black. A pointed knife blade works well for removing these high potency primodia. These are among the most potent. The abortive mushrooms are also high potency. Harvest them when they are young and before their heads turn black. When the fruitbodies are normal, harvest them before the veil under the cap breaks. The mushrooms will be smaller and their heads will be roundish. It is important to note that the mushroom cakes pictured in this book are all mostly well matured. While these mature specimens are beautiful and perfect, they are not as potent as the diminutive specimens. The mature specimens are good for spore collecting and showcasing but are weak in psychedelic potency."

Think that helps a little.

EDIT: Forgot the whole reason for posting.

Nice looking 2nd flush you got there. Have you or did you do the Dunk & Roll Method or have you been doing some other method? Still gott get myself to order spores then I will be forced to buy the other stuff. Wanting to do it but no motivation besides the hopefully amazing cubesis trip :)